So I sit here waiting waiting with baited breath….. meeting Mr PADI tonight. I have bought 2 tickets for the Cairns Festival Comedy Night and wonder if it will be a night of expectations dashed at my feet.. will last weeks kisses and touches carry on .. or was it a momentarily abherration on his part?
I am sitting here with my eyelashes permed curled, and a new $150 hair do.. it’s 4.14pm and still no text from him advising where to meet. Men! all he has to do is text me to say where and when to meet and give me a a bit of notice.. but no..
Since I hadn’t heard anything I bit the bullet and texted.. . ‘Hope you are having a lovely day, let me know where and when for tonight”.
My bet will be either I receive a last minute text saying meet me in 10 mins somewhere – so much for artfully applying make up and changing in a relaxed manner or…….. I daren’t even go there ‘sorry, somethings come up and can’t make it tonight’.
So whilst I wait I will write about last week..
Saturday night with friends sitting around on those cocktail sofas and coffee tables. I was chatting intensely to Jane (a really lovely English girl/woman that I have now become very friendly with).
She mentions about a good looking guy in a white T shirt… I scout around with my hawk eyes and good looking guy antennae and say I can’t see anybody in a white T shirt. She looks round and says.. aah.. he’s put a black shirt over it. As I am looking over I see that he is pointing at me and talking to one of his friends. I thinks.. ‘too far away to spot any spinach in the teeth’ ‘Did my hairdo go quietly into a massively bad hair day whilst I wasn’t looking’, ‘I am sure both boobs are house-trained and are tucked firmly into my low cleavage top’.
So I get up and go over and enquire ‘hi, so I see you are pointing at me, any reason?’ in a non threatening fun way as this guy is good looking and I don’t want to scare him. He replies that he had just spotted me and was pointing me out to his friend as a girl that he would like to get to know better.
So we chat for a while, have a laugh.. and I’m thinking ‘yes, you seem lovely and would be lovely to get to know you better too’. Since we were both with separate parties we exchanged phone numbers and off we trot.
By Sunday (and we are talking a heavy Saturday night that had me going to bed at 10.00am) I had forgotten about our lovely meeting until I received a text message at 1.24am the next day.. Hey Rosie, Lawrence here. Was lovely to meet u tonight.
Give me a call if you are free to catch up anytime soon.
My reply : ‘Lovely to hear from you. I am in Port today then In Cairns tmorrow wd be good to see you
Next reply 6.52…just got back to my hotel room, do you have any plans tonight, I was thinking of getting a take out and chilling with a movie…
So at 9.00 there’s me looking for Room 50 (how many corridors does this hotel have)… felt a bit like a call girl! It was only whilst wandering around the hotel that I realised how positively shady this could seem.
Finally, found his room..
I sat on the sofa and when he asked whether I wanted to watch the movie on the sofa or the bed I kind of had a massive brain fart dilemma as this was going to set the tone for the night so I said rather plaintively “I really don’t know” and then realising how wimpy that sounded, made a decision and said.. the bed , backing it up by saying ‘just didn’t know as if I watch films in bed I usually fall asleep’
So he puts together some pillows side on and we scoot on the bed to watch the movie…
Now, Lawrence is good looking and he has a body that I didn’t realise was pumped.. I was too busy conversing with his face to cast my eyes over his torso when we first met.
We lie next to one another… and yes…the vibes… when he reaches for my hand and starts playing with my fingers……..ooooooooohhhhhhaaahh missus.
He was such a lovely toucher! I know that seems strange but a guy who knows how to caress … and as we slowly unrobed… wow… a very honed chest and six pack were slowly uncovered with a not inconsiderable and well endowed member (thank god for that.. relief!).
Yep.. it was lovely… very intimate and close.
I didn’t sleep very well… kept opening my eyes just to soak up the lovely feeling of lying with him and I was so scared that I would snore or fart that I didn’t want to disturb him.
In the morning we did it all again… (he had to put his hand over my mouth ... which made me think.. blimey I must look a bit stupid.. eyes bulging, with the muted and now subsiding grunts).
He got up at 6.00 to go the gym.. and me… to toddle off to work.
When the subject of seeing each other again came up… looks like he is busy all week.. he is here for a wedding.. on Friday.. so I think we may catch up next weekend. As yet.. Wednesday no text message so just wondering if that’s that….. so we shall see!
Oh me of little faith!
At 5.30 received a text ‘6.00 Thai Coins Restaurant’.
So 6.00 I rock up at Thai Coins. I went in and he was sitting down and I did the double sided cheek kiss (I think he was moving in for just a kiss on the lips, but I thought I would play safe!).
I wondered why he had chosen a restaurant 5 minute drive out of town, when we were supposed to be going to a venue in town. All was revealed at the end ‘we’ll go back to my place and drop one of the cars off’ .. which means… we have to return their afterwards. Hahaha!
So we drove to the Civic Theatre to see the comedy acts. It was great, great comedians and some great observational humour. Even one of the speakers in the roof enjoyed it by letting off smoke to our consternation as both Mr PADI and I were right underneath it! A bit of knee cursory touching but nothing intimate.
We went back to his place and started watching Quadrophenia (as one does!). He came and sat next to me on the sofa (and yes… there were two sofas so a bit more intimate)…. So very cosy and then we stared to kiss………….. ok ok… Quadrophenia was shut down and we adjourned.’’
He is a bulk of body.. my goodness.. mountains of hard muscle. I was a little concerned when my pet hate was revealed… the shaved hair thing.. but luckily it wasn’t spiky so that was fine. Nothing like laying your cheek on that expansive chest to feel like you might just have well slept on the Welcome door mat.
We had the ‘whoops’ no one has bought any condoms moment’. So I was all prepared to carry on without anything more than fondles and caresses (come on, I have been waiting for this moment for 9 months.. what’s another week!).. But in the end his fervency took over….
How lovely it was to wake up this morning in that lazy morning feeling with limbs draped over each other in that lovely body fitting and snuggling stage. My 7.00 am get out of bed.. ended up being a pulling myself away like a band aid on a hairy leg.. talk about a wrench. Left at 8.20 and got to work at 8.30.
I was determined to say something (he had called me gorgeous after last week, so I think since I have been so closely guarded all the way through this I will let a chism show through), so when I left I said what a wonderful night it had been and how I thought he was wonderful. Well, two ‘wonderfuls’ in the one sentence.. whose watching my grammar, but I think it helped to emphasise it. He replied that he thought the same about me. I left with the tailing sentence ‘would be lovely to catch up with you again soon’….. (might live to regret that sentence.. but hey.. got to put some cards on the table!).
From the way he was talking yesterday it was .. I have got this trip planned, and then back again with a friend, and then I go to … and then to ……….. Yep.. his work takes him everywhere and the date of 1st September I had put aside for him to come to Port he can’t make…
So where from here?….. I suppose same same.. but different…..
He really is the only man since I left my ex that I have felt that ‘bling’ of desire, lust, love.. call it what you will. He ticks so many boxes… in his 40’s, same lifestyle as me, travels, dives, same interests (though not sure about his techno cravings.. though he did mention he liked the cult and other music so that’s encouraging). We love a good laugh together and he is intelligent… and compared to the guys here he doesn’t hunt pigs or go fishing!
One thing I will say is that these body builders.. I remember going out with body builder before and on our first night he pulled my legs up spread eagle, holding one ankle by each hand like a hanging handstand. All was rushing to my head, including my swinging tits and my dignity closely followed behind!
Same with Mr PADI in some of the 'activity' his favourite position is the trussed chicken look which entails holding both my feet up together and continuing in that position. My thoughts 'good, he can't see my stomach that way and I was so glad that they lady at the bikini wax place does such a good job she waxes right round and underneath'.
Must be something with body builders that they like to feel like they are working out at the same time!
Had a peek at his Facebook page.. bit worried about his liking for the gym hotties (body beautiful girls that post their bodies on this page, but hey – didn’t seem to put him off last night.. a few womanly curves! Thank goodness I have been doing 3 gym sessions a week! I did do some selective breathing in when needed!
So now.. the tumbleweed moment…. Wondering what the next meeting will bring.. if there will be.. what will happen.. is it destined just to be a series of ad hoc liaisons… without a raison d’etre?
Just writing this up the next evening.. up pops a little text message 'hey how was your day?' YEEEEHHHAAAH! Looks like the tumble weed might not be being blown around so much!