Last night had my belated PLAN A
Met up with Mr PADI. I had taken two painkillers, snorted anti cold stuff up my nose, and practised talking like Julie Andrews so no hint of a Tunes ad lozenge voice.
We met up to see Madagascar III - must say it does rather go against his Alpha 1 SAS image, which I like!
When he arrived we kissed on the lips so that was a good sign.
He mentioned that he is competing on 5th October in a body building competition so he was in training - so he was going to the gym at 6am each morning. Which I twigged then had a pointed meaning.....
When we left the cinema we had a bit of a kiss on the lips and I remember seeing one of my arms wrapped around his back, so I assume that the emotions were kicking in for me as I usually don't do that unless i get a carte blanche from them. And then... like nails on a blackboard through my euphoric rose tinted mist the words "well we'll catch up later." Which reading between those big lines meant that he wasn't going to be seeing my new bikini wax or curling my newly pedicured toes that night.
He mentioned about coming up to Port Douglas on Wednesday (which I know is his birthday) and diving so catching up on Wednesday..
I did text him today about going diving with him and then having him round to dinner for veg and chicken/fish (that's all he is eating at the moment) but not received a reply.. perhaps pushed it a bit too much, but hey, I am now past caring playing games... his loss!
Writing this 2 days later. It is Wednesday. Mr Padi called me today to tell me that he just opened my message - he has a tyre supplier whose name is Rosie and thought this message was from her. So looks like my plans for today, Wednesday arent happening. I mentioned about going diving on bank holiday Monday.. his reply - "It would take too much energy from me to dive on Monday .. WHAT!!!! This is a guy who is training for a body building competition!!!! and it takes too much energy from him to dive... perhaps that's the reason why sex is off the agenda at the moment.
So it looks like cinema on Friday.... but I am not going to hold my breath on that one!
Today I received 'sorry' text from flaky Simon and saying about meeting up this week... Had boxing Eric saying he was coming back tomorrow from his 2 week work stint and wanted to see me... so not spoilt for offers (writing this 2 days later he was supposed to come round tonight - Wednesday - but he fell asleep!).
Also had a recent development..............................
Enter Craig - an old flame that I met 12 years ago in Thailand and we had a 'thing' and then caught up again in London one night about 10 years ago and had a lovely time....
He now lives in South Africa in Cape Town..

Ok this is some fragments of Craigs messages to me:
was thinking what a cool time we had in that pub in London, you
remember? Love your humour, hair, bum, boobs, you know what I mean don't
you? Would so love to see you again. That was October last year.
I commented on his Facebook last month that I was sorry that he had split with his girlfriend of about a year when I saw his status had changed to 'single'.
Hi s message came through
"Dude, you look so happy. Awesome. Love your photos and your humour, hahahaha your so special"
My reply
Thank you for such a lovely message.. so sorry to see that you are no
longer with your girlfriend. You were looking so happy together. I hope
you are OK. You are also a special person to me I will always have a
fond place in my heart for you"
Rosie!!! She was just so rude to me. I cant handle that I'm afraid. She
is lovely, very, but life goes on . You are also so special you
actually crack me up with your humour. You are so damn funny!! And
original, observant, should I stop? No and.....
How are you enjoying Oz, you look so happy, as usual All my best my angel.
My next reply was to test the water about coming to South Africa to see him after my trip to the UK.
Honey, Huge time difference between us. When in Oct were you thinking
of? I am in Bangkok from 16-26, but it would be so good to see u again.
Can u make the dates work?
I mentioned that I was thinking of November.
will be an issue in Nov, in fact I'm on minus days already, but how
long you think you will come down for, and when do you need to know by?
Good to be in contact again
My Reply
Don't worry about taking days off i am self sufficient we can catch up in evenings and weekends.
Sent a text asking if he had fallen off the edge of the world (seems to be my most used phrase at the moment.. that is rather indicative of my whole male flaky man situation)
Then.......... ah yes... this is a good one......
No, I'm still on this round planet of ours. I was away for a couple of
days. Rosie I need to tell you something and for me the best way is
openess and truth. Alice, my gf had a huge problem with another friend
of mine coming to stay with me at my house. this was just last week in
fact. Alice lives in Hong Kong and with the distance demons can form in
ones mind, even the best reassurances sometimes are not enough. As
much as I want to see you, staying at mine is not an option. It is sad
but true. She is just no in a secure enough space to not be hurt and I
can hurt her. Does this make sense?
would love to see you when youare here ad I will take a day off or two
to show you around and of course the weekends are free. Let me know how
you feel, I hope I haven't let my friend down but I speak from the
heart always, Me.
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! (no that was what I was thinking when I typed this reply.......)
you for your honest reply. I am confused.. I thought u were single and
didn't have a girlfriend. So she is in hong kong for a short while? If
I had know I wd have never suggested my visiting (Me
- between the lines and if she ISN"T YOUR GIRLFRIEND .. then what the
fuck are you doing telling her about your life when she lives in Hong
Kong and you live in South Africa - You are SINGLE!!!)
have always felt a connection with u and thought that providence was
indeed shining on me. I want to meet you again but the situation is not
conduscive. I want to meet you under sunshine and happiness not clouds
and consternation.
hope that destiny will one day give us time together to explore each
other more fully . I hope our time will come some time. Until then I
look forward keeping in contact with u and hope that we can develop that
aspect of our friendship. It would be lovely to tak to u. One can't
beat the sound of someone's voice and laughter.
I thank you for your honesty , which only makes me respect you more. All the best with u and much thoughts Rosie:)
So yet another person more chocalatey than a Cadbury Ripple!
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