It's official!
I am now the owner of a beautiful house in Costa Rica...
Yes, Costa Rica...
You may very well ask.. why the heck Costa Rica!
After selling my flat in London, the money has been sitting literally gathering dust in the UK. The Australian dollar is so strong at the moment that I can't pull any sterling over here.
I can't afford to buy another place in London.
I also am concerned about the global economic situation. European currency and the Euro after Greece and lack of confidence in European economics is now pushing up the plummeting dollar again. Also I am becoming wary of banks and financial institutions.
So I have launched myself into US dollars. I don't want to keep it sitting in a bank so buying somewhere in Costa Rica where I lived for 3 years means I get buy something good for my money with a good rental income.
With my business head on my shoulders .. I could be looking at a reasonable 10-15% return on investment on this.. and I still get the land and a house at the end!
Ok Ok, I also fell in love with the house.
I went to visit Soo and Cham my friends and noticed a new house had been built next door. I stopped to admire it and took a photo of the front door (I do go around taking photos of designs or things I like). As I was about to go the door opened Frankenstein castle stylee and a head popped round. It was one of the workmen. I grabbed the opportunity and asked if I could look round. Magnifico! Aaah I thought what a beautiful place, one day.......
On chatting with Soo and Cham they told me that it was for sale, the owner was desperate to sell and would take offers. I put in an offer 130k less than the asking price and he settled for $100k less!
To put it into perspective - I could buy a garage in London , a studio shoe box in Sydney... or a beautiful villa in Costa... what's not to like!
I even have a month wait for legal permits that my wonderful lawyer in Costa Rica has said that if the permits aren't forthcoming then the price goes down another $40k!
Getting to 50 years old I am very aware of trying to pave my way for my retirement. With the thought that if I can make investments that will give me money returns then it will help when I am in my dotage.
It has 2 beds and 2 baths and there is also enough land to build a 3rd bedroom and bathroom so that could be a good option perhaps later on.
I like the idea of perhaps living over there with my best friend when we can be 2 batty women together!
So here is my new property....

If only I could pull it over to Australia!
I will be doing a blog soon on my house in Port Douglas.. I am gradually turning it round from a 80's throw up to a 2012's dream... The peach walls and surfaces are gradually disappearing...
When I am nearing the end I will do the 'before' and 'after' pics.
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