Remember Simon's message received on New Years Day:
babe how u doin? well first off this is bizzare! maly due to the fact that i have been trying to get in contact with u for awile now, then u pop up in a photo on face book. i was looking on that dating site plenty of fish lol,just browsing.. n stumbeld accross yourself.BOOM! how hot u are! anyway i sent a message to you regarding maybe catching up 4 a drink or dinner sometime,but couldnt seem to send. dont normally do this but as i said u caught my eye in particular, i no im only 25 but hey age is no barrier.i think anyway.pretty random all this babe but to good of n opportunity not to. if your keen let me no.would love 2.happy new year!x
Well... finally after 4 attempts to meet up... we make it!
I jump on a bus and meet him in Cairns on a Saturday night. First night out in Cairns.
We meet up at The Jack - named after the Union Jack - so took me back to my back packer days - strange to be surrounded by The Who, Beatles and Stones posters.

He tells me that he had a couple of drinks before he arrived for Dutch courage and half an E tablet. He said I in no way looked my age (40) and that he wasn't disappointed in meeting me in the flesh after my photos.
Which was just as well, as I had got the bus with 10 minutes notice.. last bus out of Port Douglas at 6.00pm and so in my rush had forgotten some makeup - so before meeting had shopped for some makeup, razors (yep.. my map of Tasmania was rather sprouting tropical forestry) and toothpaste and toothbrush. So had 'freshened' up in the toilets.
Initially he seems a bit red neckish, but he has a ready smile with dimples and glinting cheeky eyes. He seemed to know everybody in the bar and on the street, and said 'hi' to many people even giving beggars money along the street. Readily grabbing my hand to hold as we walked along.
He has an upfront honesty and is uncomplicated and before we knew it we were engrossed and chatting (I also had an E tablet.. so that probably helped!). Don't worry, last time I had any drugs was over two years ago, so I don't think I will be falling into the depths of addiction yet. Just made a good change and was certainly a night ice breaker!
He used to be a Thai boxer, but now just concentrates on union rugby. He is keen to progress a sporting career and it seems that if he works hard there is an option for him to turn professional. At the moment he works as a renderer, but I get the feeling he is at the stage of asking 'what next?'. He did ask if I wanted to see him play rugby one day.. so of course I said yes... promising that he wishes to expose me to the rest of the rugby team!
We ended up going back to his place about 10.00 pm and just hung out chatted, drunk some beers and had a few joints. I told him my real age (49) and he didn't seem perturbed.
He lives in a simple flat just down from Machan's Beach. What I liked which was rare, was that it was tidy, and even the sheets smelt clean. He even gave me a clean towel for a shower. For a 25 year old bachelor I have to admit I was impressed.
He lives where he lives so he can look after his father who has cancer and when I left today he was going over to cut the grass.
Love making was energetic - I imagine he puts the same philosophy into his sport as in his sexual performance. He liked to kiss and afterwards was very much into cuddling and spooning.
So surreal - it was about 4.00am and a shadowy figure wandered into the bedroom had a chat with Simon (whilst I was there laying in bed next to him) and then disappeared. Due to the fact that a girl had broken down his door to get into his flat his door is open (she obviously fancied him.. Simon said he did the best acting of being asleep that he could muster). Seems that it is a regular occurrence people coming round at all hours and saying 'hi'.

And yes... I have to say he has a lovely body.. phew!
I am totally flattered by this man's attentions. I even saw one of his ex girlfriends when we were out and she was goooorgeous!
He obviously has no problem attracting girls, so it is bizarre that he should have singled me out for such attention.
I thought maybe it was a case of that's it ... but when I left he still said he would come over and see me on Wednesday. So not sure where this one is going. I was hoping that we might have done something together today, but he wanted to watch the cricket and had some friends coming over.
I know he is not into having a relationship, but seems that he still wants to continue to see me, so let's see what happens. I know that the feeling is mutual with me. I don't see us moving forward as girlfriend or boyfriend, but it would be nice to have him as a friend with benefits.
Then on the phone tonight was "P"... asking when my next night off was so he can come round... oh dear... I think I could be starting to tread on ice.. Juggling men.. is bound to end up coming to a miserable ending.
Funny that the two men that I have been involved with - Gary and Simon were not really through any internet dating.....
So we shall see what happens.....
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