Well, I have been trying to get back to see Simon again, but after not hearing on the phone, despite Facebook messages saying how much he wanted to see me again another Sunday comes by and I do get a message on Wednesday saying he has lost his phone and will call me when he gets one on Thursday or Friday. Still no call. (Monday I get a messsage saying he still doesn't have a phone and what's my number...)
So Saturday night I think sod it.. I am not waiting for some 25 year old that can't get his act together.
So I rang Dean (6ft 1, 32 yrs old)... Dean I saw through Plenty of Fish, and just liked his quirky photo (not the one above, but in his profile pic he is pulling a funny face) .. plus showing off a highly honed body! We had been chatting for a while and he seemed very attentive and even called me (none of that endless texting!).
So I called him and asked if he fancied meeting up that night (nothing like being spontaneous!) and he said 'I'll call you back' . The gap was him chasing up friends he had lent money to and he was trying to rein in the IOU's so he could afford to come over... which he then advised me that he couldn't as he had no money.
As it was, I said for him not to worry as driving over 100km round trip.. definitely qualified him to have his drinks bought for him that night.
I have to admit that I said that he could stay the night (in the spare room of course) if he did drive from Cairns, which was a bit of a gamble in case it all went pear shaped. Later he told me he had thought the same thing and put a tent and sleeping bag in his car.. just in case!
We met up at the Courty. My initial impressions was a man who had made an effort for a date. He had a clean ironed shirt on and jeans.. and sparkly eyes and a ready smile.
He is an easy man to talk to and I immediately was endeared to him.
He is studying Tarot card reading, he writes poems, yet his aim is to be a professional boxer (but have to say his nose looks very aqualine and his ears have no cauliflowerness about them). He is training at the moment 5 nights a week. By day he is a carpenter, but there is a sensitivity about him to the point of him asking me if I wanted to go on spiritual weekend!
He says he is also psychic. Really strange, on Sunday morning I had a song in my head and was just humming it (can't remember the last time I did that) he asked me what the song was and if I knew the words.... to which I replied that I didn't know any words. He then laughed and said that he had had a premonition of meeting a girl who was humming a song that didn't know the words.
We did imbibe quite a lot of drinks.. but not drunk.. just relaxed and happy. When we got back to my house we had a few more beers, chatted and before we knew it we had locked lips!
So there goes the problem about the spare room! What a wonderful night.... The neighbours must have wondered what had hit them.. as I realised that the bed head, not being attached to the wall or the bed, was giving a loud advertising drumming which was a little disconcerting as I was trying to reach out to anchor it through the proceedings.
We just literally seemed to connect... and you know how it is when lovemaking ends up being more about a language of love than a wham bam thank you man! Also, I know this sounds strange, but we made love with a lot of eye contact.... which is such a real close thing to do.
He is an absolute gentleman...
The next day we went to breakfast and lazed by the pool. At breakfast he stood up and came back to return my napkin that had blown off my knee. I cooked a dinner and he washed up and put the rubbish out. I really consider that it's not a put on, he seems genuine and also is a good listener and caring person.
After my last relationship with 'S' finding someone who is empathetic, giving and caring about someone else is important to me.
He is also was talking about all the things we could do together.... aah.. a man with some get up and go!
He has pulled himself through life.. he was married. His girlfriend got pregnant and though he wanted the child she secretly went and got an abortion .. So he split up with her. Then she plagued him and they got back together and married. Two months after they married she went off with his best friend.
So he has pulled himself through the doldrums after that and is now out the other side (this happened 3 years ago).
I asked him why he went on a dating site and he said to meet women with a different perspective and to learn from them.
I did tell him my real age and he wasn't phased. Though I am not sure as I know he wants children.
He stayed again on Sunday night and then got up at 4.00am to be able to get to work by 6.00am.
He did text on Monday morning " Thank you 4 a great weekend your such a sweet lady ox".... (for your info I am sure it wasn't lady ox as in male cow.. but a hug and a kiss!)
So know I feel that we both felt a lot for each other... but we are teetering....
It certainly brings to the surface many questions that I have... I don't want to rush into another relationship (which I know he is keen not to), Do I really want to be in a relationship, Am I ready, Is this a rebound, Am I in this for the right reasons, Am I strong enough to face any bad endings, If I am not sure, then should I? If I was sure then there wouldn't be questions... and just seem to go round in circles.
I have a feeling that he is also going through the same dilemma.
Maybe a case of slowly slowly... I certainly don't want to hurt him, which committing too quickly could well do.
Reserves.. hope the money situation improves for him.. my alcohol radar is up also.. I think he likes a beer... but then I am soooo sensitive after past experience to any minute microscopic speck of alcoholic tendencies.
So that's certainly side swiped me .. talk about a punch from out of nowhere!
How weird just writing this and switched on the TV and up popped Green Wing.. The actor in it (who looks similar to Dean) is just about to sleep with a much older woman..... that then turns out to be his Mother...
Though have to say that at 17 years difference.. I could JUST about be his Mum.. if I started extremely early!
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