I went to Cairns to get my car on Friday... yep.. after 2 months!! Got my licence back and my car all in one day (minus $1500!)
Since I was in Cairns... arranged to meet up with Dean.
The Dean who only texted me the day before "Quick question, what did u think about sleeping with me, would you do it again, how do you rate me? Lol.....
We met up in the town centre and he took me to dinner at Fasta Pasta (think formica tables, no atmosphere, big open glass windows), but it was a lovely gesture from him - then went back to his place.
He lives about 5 minute drive from the centre with his cousin (distant one), Vernon. Typical bachelor type pad. Bless him, he apologised as he hadn't had time to tidy up.
That night was spent imbibing much beer and wine.. and then fell into bed. Dean was looking at having to get up for work at 5.00 am on Saturday. My work had rung me earlier to say that due to weather the boats weren't running on Saturday so no work. So now I have only worked one day this week.. that's not going to pay any bills!
Low season is LOW..!
So Saturday morning for breakfast, bless him, he went to the shops and tried to make a Dean's eggs benedict. He couldn't find hollandaise sauce but it was a sterling effort and was delicious and made with much love with added avocado, ham, poached eggs, spring onions on crusty bread, with a fancy salad dressing.
Then Saturday night... the purchase of a bottle of tequila and some more alcohol and DVD's to watch (Mr Nice, Planet of the Apes) . I do remember as the night got later and more messier the novel way of salt and lemon served off the end of my nipples.. and after that none of us can remember getting to bed when we woke in the morning.. both with clothes on!
I think, luckily, I might have spewed some alcoholic stomach contents in the toilet, so consequently, felt absolutely fine... though Dean was having the vertical head spins.
After water, pain killers and a shower.. he was right as rain (though don't know why rain is right?). So we went off to lunch at Trinity Beach, beautiful and he took me on a tour of the lookouts and local beauty spots. Must admit Barron Gorge and the views around here are so stunning. It was so hot today, I wanted to go swimming in a creek or waterfall, but we went back to his house and watched a DVD.
After watching Planet of the Apes.. pleasantly surprised on that one.. I thought I wouldn't outstay my welcome and left. I hope that we can be more action orientated when we meet up again.
Not sure what I feel about all this. I mentioned about planning to go Costa Rica in July - not at all thinking about asking him, but he expressed his enthusiasm to come along. We worked out the cost of the airfare to be around $3000. He said he would have no problem to save it. And then goes on to ask me that if he gave me $200 a week, if I could keep the money to put towards the cost.
I just don't know! Yet again I seem to have a man who is looking to me for support, for responsibility, for inspiration, for helping their lives. Maybe he has things to offer me, I know he is actively trying hard to improve his mind.. books abound in his bedroom... Secrets to Manhood, The Psychic's Bible, The Celestine Prophecy, Understanding Spiritualism.. etc etc...
I am concerned about the alcohol side of things.. but I know he can be highly disciplined with his boxing training, so not going to be too judgemental.
I just feel that this is our first weekend together and he's already planning to come away on a major holiday with me! It is making me want to dig my non designer heels in (Haviana flip flops?) as I am unsure if going up that garden path is going to lead to a concrete patio rather than a flowering herbaceous border! I've hinted about just going away for a few days to Indonesia or somewhere in Asia on a special deal, but he seems to have his heart set on Central/South America (Peru is his other option).
It was lovely to spend time with him, and see into his life.. and we do connect sexually very well, which is wonderful, but even so, I think it left me with a feeling that I am not ready to be involved in someone else's life at the moment or ready to commit.. or just to go really slowly on this.
All could be interesting - I am planning to go on a month's training course at end of Feb.. for diving so time will tell me thinks!
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