Wednesday, July 25, 2012

And so to my next job.....

Guess where I am working - here's a few clues

This is my office (top left window)

 And this is what I am Marketing Coordinator for............

The very strange world of the Casino!

Well who would have thunk that!

One minute there I was enjoying the beautiful undersea, though somewhat sporadic, world of the Coral Sea working as a Diving Instructor /Snorkle Guide and the next week Marketing Coordinator for the Casino.

On Thursday I received a call from the employment agency that I had approached about 3 months earlier, but not expecting to hear anything.

Here in Far North Queensland there is a real shortage of jobs for females.  Men work in the mines, engineers, tradesmen, construction etc.  Girls here work in restaurants, bars, hospitality.  Good admin work is hard to come by.

They asked if I could attend an interview on the Friday and start on Monday.  To which I replied 'yes'.  I had decided that I needed a 'proper' job.  This last year has been a very expensive one for me, not only in spending money, but in making it.  So, I had decided that I needed to get serious, gird my loins and really start working again.

I arrived for the interview, where the Marketing and Sales Director just talked non stop, I managed a few thoughtful yes's and mmms..  and then was bid goodbye.  An hour later the Agency called to say that I had the job.  I asked about the other people that were coming for the interview and they said that they had cancelled them and can I start on Monday.

There are not many jobs that you are asked to work in marketing for but told that you can't partake in the actual activity that one is promoting!

I have to admit that I look at the gamblers in the casino - the VIP's in the Diamond Room and none of them look rich.  Mainly shabby clothes, a little unkempt around the edges and I do wonder.....

It is a moral question - do we have a right to tell people what to do with their money.  A friend of mine did have a go at me that I was working for a Casino as his Grandmother had lost all her money gambling.  I have contemplated that is it wrong to serve drinks or work in a bar when people's lives are also destroyed by drink and throwing good money after drink (which you only rent anyway, as you urinate it out the other end!).

It does sit a bit uncomfortably on my shoulders but what I I like are the other activities that I am involved in as they have a nightclub, live music , Bars, Art Exhibitions, magicians and two restaurants, celebrity visits and talks, so I enjoy writing the scripts for the TV and Radio Ads and see the casino as a by-product of the activities that interest me.

I have to say that interesting jobs in these parts is rather like finding a red Smartie - with white spots!

It is initially for a 3 month contract to cover maternity leave, but there is a major reshuffle in 3 months and the HR Manager said that 'they would look after me' and I could ask for a 'pay increase' in my new role (whatever that will be)

So initially I have been driving from Port Douglas to Cairns and back (about 140 kmh).  A couple of days ago I found a room in a house so now I live here in the week and have put my other bedroom in my house on the rental market (only a took a day and have just rented it out for 4 days.. so that more than covers my rent for a week!).

I am finding it intially a bit difficult as the guy that owns the house lives on the ground floor under me.  He has the TV on ALL night and he snores louder than a hammer drill.. so I am finding it difficult to sleep here...

We shall see.........!

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