I was going to write this blog about a lovely job that I now have working on a Yacht owned by a couple of friends. Only 3 or 4 of us on the boat, and it really feels like a family! I do the snorkelling briefing and then take the snorkellers out from Low Isles. It's lovely to be able to have the time to give 'quality' time to small groups (maximum number on the boat 22). As with all jobs in tourism here, though, work is stop and start. I did do a 4 day straight, then last week with forecasted 30 knot winds no work at all.

As we pull away from the drifting boat.. with no engine or wind |
On my second day out, the engine spluttered and died (and yes, even though it's a yacht there was no wind to power it). So we were becalmed with 20 people. No engine and drifting. So what comes to our rescue - the high speed 'Adrenalin' boat. Everyone was good and treated this extra super sonic rescue boat as a real bonus.
It was in this becalmed state of work that I receive a phone call from a recruitment agency asking if I would be interested in a 3 month marketing job at the Reef Casino. Aha! Back to marketing, 5 days a week and a guaranteed income. This last year has seen a massive dent in my savings, so need to start putting some back in. The car, the house, and a 3 month holiday have all taken their toll. Also, I was getting a little concerned about working in the diving/snorkelling industry here and was thinking that I needed a 'proper' job and to move to Cairns where I would have more of a chance.
So I arrive at the interview in the first 'slot' of the day. Thought 'casino, nightclubs, stage shows, gambling' so thought on a bit of a lively suit, above the knee and sandles, youngish, modern.
The interview.. haha.. that's a laugh. The octogenerian Marketing Manager frumpily interviewed me by telling me exactly in miniscule detail what the job entailed.. so all Ihad to do was nod my head and say 'yes' in the appropriate places! Apparently, he is nearing 70 and leaving in 3 months. I was also told that because it was a 5 star establishment (though have to admit looked more like cheese and tack, than anything 5 star) I had to wear skirts below the knee, closed in shoes and not reveal any flesh around my shoulders!. Casino.. more like a nunnery! She mentioned this to the agency about dress sense saying that I have to also work with "Richard" who is nearing 70. So not sure if all this dress code is in the end to stop Richard having a heart attack with any dress sense that could send fatal palpitations to his heart!
So took myself off to the charity shop immediately for some conservative attire. Made me laugh remembering how my ex used to hate me buying anything 'Grandmaish'.... With all my new gear I could put the Queen to the test! Just missing the little hand held handbag!
One hour after the interview the Agency called to say that I had the job. I asked about the other candidates and she said that they have cancelled every other interview!
So nothing like being side swiped... love these type of things in life. So I commute 120km by car every day to Cairns - thinking that I might have to get a room up there in the week and maybe rent the room out here.
So another new beginning..... exciting....
Ironically, I was due to go up to the Casino on Thursday night as a friend of a friend is a salsa dancer in a show there and we were going to go and see her! So maybe next week... with my staff discounted tickets!
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