My exboyfriend 'S' and new girlfriend Belle are now 'official'
Facebook has thrown up the 'I'm in a relationship' flag.
Took me somewhat by surprise.. big red heart flashes up on my Facebook under both their names as their status. I don't imagine 'S' doing this so it must be Belle's update.
Only one comment from 'S's relative saying "looks like things are going well with you" .
So none of his or our friends has commented.... mmmmm... life is full of little victories (or does that make me a sad jealous cow!).
Maybe the last laugh might be on me... have to be careful about these type of things...
Message from Simon (25yr old rugby player.. see previous blog). Haven't heard from him for a while. I did text him on his phone, but no reply, so rather perplexed as I didn't think it went that badly on our evening together, but in my maturity, thought not to push it. So surprised to receive this message on Facebook yesterday:
hey baby how u doin? been in cardwell worken since wednesday sorry couldnt call as i have lost my phone,bummer cause i really want to catch up with you!
i wanna make love to you day baby!
Honest in its sentiment me thinks, but despite all the communications means available to modern man.. not sure if he is flaky, forgetful or just can't get his act together. Obviously flesh is willing... but inclination to follow up .. poor.
I have the roster from hell from work.. after my spitting the dummy episode I have been advised - not to plan anything for Sunday for the next two weeks.. as I am working them (only day Simon has off) and any day off rostered (only 1 a week) don't bet on it as we might pull you in to work. So the next two weeks anyway I keep my head down and bite my lip and just turn up at work.
I know I have been meaning to write about work, but everything just seems so overwhelming at the moment. Having to now face Sarcy (short for sarcastic) Sharky (the Skipper of one of the boats) who has it in for me.. today in exasperation I said 'I just don't seem to do anything right!".. he is pulling me to pieces left right and centre. On Saturday he was ultra rude and threatened me with a verbal warning (which he has no power to do) just because I didn't signal OK on the surface when I was helping some divers! Rich the Supervisor has said today about Sharky 'he hasn't got good communication skills'...... you don't say! What's that about sharks being dangerous? This one certainly won't bite my leg off but it will severely dent my self confidence!
Saturday was a low ebb for me.. just wanted a friend to be around, someone to talk to, you know how it is.. trouble shared and all that malarcay.... felt particularly despondent about everything... but these feeling as always are self indulgent... so got to get that stiff upper lip out, dust it down and affix with super glue. I just seem to be the punch bag for some people's insecurities, meglomaniacal tendencies and general rudeness.
Also, after spitting the dummy about having Sunday off.. to be shown the roster with such relish that I will have no Sundays off (where other people around me are having days off liberally sprinkled like hyperactive confetti throughout their rosters).
I do get on with some people at work... but most still treat me like I don't exist. Sometimes I will say something and no one even pays me attention. There are certainly those at work who I do get on with, but others who look right through me.
It has been a lonely week for me.. feeling quite high and dry.
I have had a couple living here for 3 nights through airbnb - Greg and Mary
A lovely $170 extra income this week. Greg was the one I was mainly in contact with. They arrive on Thursday morning - both looking like two sweating beetroots. Sunburnt, sweaty, and his girlfriend was in the shape of a beetroot too! She managed a 'hello' before disappearing into the bedroom. They spent the day in bed and that was the only time I saw her. Saw Greg use my computer to book tours, he was cooking meals (she wasn't stupid.. he's a chef!) and chatting to me about things to do. He was a lovely man, friendly, not an ugly or fat man and seemed to be the one doing all the running around. I suggested on Saturday night they should go out.. but she just wanted to stay in the bedroom. I imagined her (yep.. I can say she was rather obviously obese) just lying there, whilst this accommodating, friendly boyfriend scurries around meeting her needs. Rather akin methinks to the Queen Bee with her worker bee!
Never saw Mary again..
Eat your heart out Metamorphosis by Kafka... I imagined her lying in the downstairs bedroom with her royal jelly and her downy yellow and black striped body hair.
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