Well life has been hectic at work with the rush of tourists for Christmas, New Year and school holidays. I have managed to have a bit of a social life. I have joined a new dating site RSVP and that's thrown up some interesting profiles.
Welcome "P" . He actually initiated actions by 'winking' at me. I actually liked his profile. He is a bit whacky, a self made man, is 44 years old ( It's all OK getting interest from 25 year olds, great for an ego massage, but looking at it objectively it's not going to go any further than a friendship and sexual encounters at best - so this is better for me). He is a man that has been through it and come out the other side. He also states that his suitable woman will be up to 50 years old (at the end of the date I said I had lied about me being 40 and he said... 'so you're around 36 yrs old then).. he really didn't believe I was 49.
So "P" more encapsulates the 'moving forward' man. No expectations of babies, family etc (he has two teenagers that live with their Mother). He is semi retired, but is one of those men that whatever he does, he does well. He is a photographer, classic car restorer and had his career as a commercial diver and a Commercial Retail Executive. He is the perpetually young man but with old shoulders and a real zest for life and a charismatic personality..mmmmm! As I wrote to him he kind of mirrors my philosophies and my life.. except I am not 6'2" when I look in my mirror!
He picks me up in a touring Harley Davidson complete with stereo system, heated seats, more bells and whistles than a bells and whistle factory! This is just one of his bikes. Me thinks.. I am liking this!
He also has an array of cars, some he uses for weddings. A funny story he told me was being called in by his son's school very concerned as his son had told his teacher that his Father was a pimp and his Mother worked for him.
After some explanation it transpired that he was referring to his Dad 'pimping' as he customises classic cars, as in the MTV show 'Pimp my Ride' .
He arrives with half a head of dreadlocks and half a head of undreads (he was between hair styles) and 44 piercings. I counted 22 around his body (nothing horrible just small studs).. and yes, my mind is boggling as to where the other 22 are. I was advised they were there for the benefit of enhancing his partner's pleasure.... my mind boggles. But he is such a charismatic figure that it really just seems exciting.
He has had cancer, broken his back, been resucitated back from death twice, fractured his skull three times (once from a baseball bat to the skull when he lived in South Africa - where he is from originally). From the many months of rehabilitation for his broken back (fell down the stairs) he gained much clarity on the meaning of life. He embraces this joy of health and life every morning by his ritualistically viewing every sunrise.
He oozes personality and a big smile, but coming from a safe and secure place.
So funny, as we get to the bar and he asks what I want. When I say cider, his eyebrows rise... and he explains that he has a severe allergy to apples. With one cider he cannot kiss me for 4 hours.. so despite my protestations to change - there goes any kissing action before we even started! Then later we went for a pizza - my chicken tikka pizza came with mango chutney (that has apples in it) so that was omitted from the ingredients. When I got home I offered him a soft drink - all except the V8 I had had apple in them! The only apple he is not allergic to is the computer!
His faults would be a tendency to like his own voice, but he is highly observant and is a retentive listener. We spent the whole night together... naaaah not what you think! talking till 5.00 in the morning on the couch whereupon we had a sunrise walk along the beach... soooo beautiful.
We said goodbye with a kiss on the lips and a hug.... I will take this slowly but there is a definite pull on this one!
In the wings (literally) is Simon (see the blog of January 1st) - who I have still yet to meet after 4 unsuccessful attempts. I know he wants to meet, but as he said today, he should be working to live, not live to work.
A keen rugby player, he soon will be having practice on Mon, Tues and Weds. So opportunities to meet are getting a little thin on the ground, but we are both working on it.
Yep.... pure lust, must say, just love rugby bodies - and judging by the photos he is HOT! He is 25 and has actively pursued me through seeing my face on Facebook through a mutual friend. Who am I to say no?
We talk regularly and text - he now calls me 'babe'.... but a little too close to the bone to call him 'babe' back methinks! So we are working on our 5th meeting.......... don't hold your breath
One date today with Louis (never mentioned him before), 31, was a sad,, rather poignant one. We did arrange to meet up a while ago, but when he found out I was English he thought that it was scam organised by British gypsies that he had heard of. I asked if he was mentally stable, to which he advised me that he was bi-polar but it was under control. So we then re-organised.
I am at an age to know that despite him taking control drugs and him having a mental condition the stuttering of his speech that there is still something not quite right. He is a completely lovely man, with this air of innocence, highly sensitive, but just seems to lack social coping skills.
He was emailing me declaring undying love, before I had even met him, so I have been trying to calm him down.
We did meet today and it was fine, down to him playing me my favourite songs on his phone at the lunch table. He did sink his drinks pretty quickly and I am thinking that since he drove here - he has got to be able to drive out (I was due to meet Simon tonight). I advised him that I had to leave at 5.00 - hoping that would give him the hint that he can't stay if he goes over the limit. At 4.30 he bought over two glasses of water and I thought 'great message has got home'. I bid him goodbye we had a big hug and kiss on lips and I left.
5.30 phone went when I was at home - he said he was still in Port Douglas (he lives 40 mins drive away). I was about to invite him over (since Simon had cancelled) but thought it through and said that he ought to go home. Was working out that if he came over, then he could very well be here for the long run and very difficult to get rid of and I didn't want the hassle, especially after feeling so tired after not getting any sleep last night with "P". I certainly wasn't up for any physical relationship. He's not bad looking but I just don't fancy him, and if truth be known I just know that 'going there' is a no no - I don't think he is emotionally or mentally stable, even though he is very sweet, but I think he would be the proverbial weight around the neck.
He continued to try and ring me and leave messages for the next hour. Bottom line being he had drunk more beer and that he was over the limit and basically giving me the emotional blackmail angle that if he can't come back to my house then he will have to drive back and he would be over the limit and so in a roundabout way blaming me if he gets caught by the police.
So that's how that one has been left... and left it will be!
Gary (see previous blog) called from Darwin airport to say goodbye.. as he flies out to Philippines today for a couple of months. Makes me wonder what he will return to with regard to my situation! Nothing has been said about our 'night' so presume it's a case of 'as you were'.
No guy phones from the airport for an 'as you were'reason