Well.. I am going to do some metaphysical painting!
Even met a guy in the gym the other day who I met on an internet date.. and we got on so well... and then he never called again.... Seems he hitched up with an old school friend... He did text me after our chance meeting to say how much he had enjoyed our date!
So.. painting is the way to go...
Look, this isn't about getting men... it's about getting yourself!
Answers aren't in other people... but I think people.men can feel if you are searching for answers in them.
I am fine with men that I don't like... and always seem to get a good balance there... but when I like a man... oooh dear... must remember that paintbrush!
Watch Him Become Mesmerized In Your Presence When You Do This
I'd never been more confused in my life. I clearly knew nothing about men then. I had attracted him - but in only a physical way. In an emotional way, I'd repelled him.
It took me years and years to understand what that was all about (and to realize how lucky I was that he'd shown me his true colors so early in the relationship), and though I'm so glad that never worked out, I know now what I might have done and not done that would have made me feel so much better, and that would have turned the tables so I was the one with the choice, and not him.
The Difference Between A Man Just Liking You... And Falling In Love With You
Now, I know and can share with you exactly how to create an irresistibly magnetic way of being with a man that connects with him in his heart. This is what my Modern Siren program is all about.
In a minute, I'm going to give you a Tool that will help you get started on your way to drawing in every man you meet including the one you may already be with. It sounds kind of fanciful, but it's actually very practical.
Tool: Paint Yourself In Love
First, let's look at what I was doing with this man that pushed him away, and what you're likely doing that isn't working for you:
And so I moved, thought, acted, spoke and felt fast. It was as though every moment was a piece of my storybook idea of "relationship." I had decided that since he was "beneath me," he was easy. I thought that I could have whatever I wanted from him, because that's what he said, and that's what my friends said. But, truthfully, I didn't believe it. I felt lower than low on the totem pole of life and love - and I just felt lucky to have him around at all. I was looking to him to make everything - including me - okay.
Now, I want you to look at your man - in your imagination - and experience how you feel when you look at him. Imagine he's watching you, and he's Leaning Forward to you.
Do you feel longing and pining? Is it like a clenching in your heart, a sort of silent begging him to stop all his nonsense and just make everything Okay? And, can you feel your heart and your mind moving fast, trying to cut all the corners and just close the deal? Just get it all squared away, finalized - okay?
Well, It's This Energy - The Vibe - That Pushes A Man Away
And, no matter how hard we try to keep it under control, he can feel it. Even if it's not strong enough to actually push him away - it will keep him away.
It will keep the relationship in a stuck place, where the attraction just isn't strong enough to push him over the edge - into falling in love and feeling intensely devoted to you forever.
Creating this kind of attraction is sort of magical. It requires you getting out of that mind set where your man holds some kind of "keys" to your happiness - and putting the keys in your own hands. And it requires an attention to details.
So, Here's Where "Painting" Comes In - Try This:
1. Take a cup of water and go outside to a tree, or a bush, or a flower, or a statue.
2. Now, you're going to use your fingers for a "brush." So dip your finger into the water, and then "paint" the tree or the flower or statue or the leaf with the water - very, very slowly and carefully - watching every single stroke you make, feeling every single stroke you make, noticing every single tiny bit of the tree bark, or the flower petal, or the leaf.
Go so slowly that you feel like you're going in slow motion - and make sure you're aware of every second that passes - and that all your attention is on the water going onto the tree, the flower, the piece of fruit hanging from a branch. Pretend the water is love, and you're painting this tree trunk, branch, fruit, flower, statue, with love - literally.
3. Now, imagine your man is standing in front of you. Lean back, open ("Unzipper") your heart, arms down, palms out, focus on your pelvis, relax your shoulders, smile. Imagine him just standing there, smiling at you. Feel what you feel. Just doing this will change your vibe so that you become more of an "invitation" to your man.
4. Go to a mirror and while you're watching your reflection in the mirror, Paint Yourself. Paint Yourself exactly the way you did the tree trunk or the flower or leaf or statue. Touch yourself gently and lovingly, and experience each stroke as if it were magical.
Pay attention to what you see and what you feel. Paint each hair, each tiny bit of your face, your shoulders, your whole naked body if you have the time. If you have only a short bit of time (please do this Tool often) - really focus in on the detail of one small part of you - your eyelashes, your forehead, your shoulder, your mouth...
Keep breathing, keep Leaning Back, keep stroking yourself slowly, carefully - each tiny detail. Pay attention to yourself - really get into this process of Painting Yourself With Love - moment by moment.
5. Imagine your man, or an imaginary man is standing next to you. Imagine he's watching you. Let him watch you slowly and lovingly Paint Yourself With Love. Imagine him standing there, smiling, leaning forward, and watching you Paint Yourself With Love - and imagine he is mesmerized (because he certainly would be if you were to Love Yourself like this in his presence in real life...)
6. Carry this image and this experience around with you everywhere. Imagine yourself painting yourself wherever you are - in the market, at the drugstore, in the restaurant, and every moment you're with your man - and, this is important...
Even if he's not even looking at you. Even if he seems to be distracted. Even if you can feel yourself being jealous or upset or hurt by what he's doing or not doing.
Imagine him watching you Paint Yourself With Love, and imagine everyone in the place admiring you for Painting Yourself. Imagine everyone wanting to touch you and stroke you or take out a brush and Paint You With Love. How does that feel?
What Makes This Tool So Powerful Is That It's So Specific
It's something you can imagine in great detail, and that you can experience emotionally. So, how will this make you more attractive to him on a deep, emotional level? Because a man is not interested in experiencing you loving him.
He's interested in experiencing you loving yourself when he's loving you!
He's completely captivated by a woman who is so trusting of him, so open to him, that she could experience her deepest pleasure when she's with him. And this is what you want to do.
You will wrap him around your little finger, and activate your powerful Inner Siren if you can love yourself in his presence. He will be "blown away," and never, ever want to step away from you.
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