PENELOPE P in PORT Aged 49 Penelope P is found licking her wounds and patching up her emotions after finishing a 6 year relationship. Originally from the UK, her split inspired her to move lock stock and 2 smoking barrels from Sydney to the tropical paradise of Port Douglas to start the next Chapter in her life. Not knowing anybody and putting a pin in a map, literally, this is the blog of her finding her feet, her confidence and her life.....
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Do you fancy me? If not.. my friend fancies you!
It all started with my friend Facebooking me saying that a friend of hers, Leo, was making his way in his camper van up north and putting me in contact with him as a friendly face.
Didn't think any more about it until I received a Facebook message to let me know that he was on his way and would be arriving in Cairns in the next few days.
I looked at his photos on Facebook and saw a picture of a guy that I initially thought 'woohoo. he's not bad and then realised it wasn't him.. it was a friend'.
So I put off a bit seeing him and then I said I worked in Cairns so could meet up for him for lunch if he came to the Casino. So a text message saying he was there was met by me bounding down to meet him and me seeing two heads sitting in the chairs.... the other one.. yep.. you guessed it.. the other guy in the picture, Fred. (Definitely 'Right said Fred!').
My interest was even more piqued when Leo mentioned that they were couch surfing at a man's house, who happened to be a gay naturalist and as such they had been asked to respect the rules of the house by wearing no clothes around the house. Leo chortled... it's OK, no one looks at any other people's 'bits'... followed by him then saying 'though you would be hard not to miss Fred's!". (Woooer!! Missus! methinks!).
So after an hour chatting at a local coffee bar I invited them to stay at my house, since I was away and it was a shame to waste an empty house.
I ended up mostly talking to Leo, Fred was a sweety, smiled a lot, but Leo was definitely the 'mouth'.
So a few days later I get a call from Leo to make arrangements for their stay.
"Sooooo Rosie, do you like me?"
"Yes, of course, Leo, I wouldn't ask you to stay if I didn't'
"Well, no, kind of LIKE me"
"Oh (der!), ah, no, not in that way"
"So you don't like me in THAT kind of way"
"Err.. no Leo, but I think you are a lovely guy"
"So not a chance then"
"No, not a chance......."
"So what do you think about Fred?"
"Yes, I like Fred a lot"
"Aha, well Fred feels the same way about you"
So that was how the seeds were sown. Made me laugh the way he made sure he really didn't stand a chance before doing the matchmaking thing with Fred!
I go back home on Fridays.. this particular Friday I just couldn't wait. I couldn't wait to meet two girlfriends that I hadn't met for 8 years (one of the girls was the one that put me in contact with Leo), but the anticipation of seeing Fred and seeing where this was going to lead.
Another traveller with Leo and Fred they had picked up along the way was a Gordon Ramsay trained chef called Alex. So that evening saw the six of us imbibing much alcohol and having a delicions dinner at my house. Leo peaked too early and was asleep on the couch before you could say "Do you want another drink?". The girls were tired after a long drive. Alex disappeared somewhere, leaving Fred and me conveniently on the balcony.
Now, I wasn't drunk, but my brain cells are definitely not firing on all synapses when I try and recall what actually happened. But to cut to the chase I remember us just getting close on the balcony and then the next memory was ending up in bed... And all I can say is that it was wonderful. I was getting so disillusioned with these young men (he's 25) thinking that sex is about doing an impersonation of a hammer drill. Fred and I really connected on a very tender and emotional level and it was just beautiful.
The next morning they were all heading off - Fred is going to check out a hippy colony. Before he left he asked for my phone number and said he would be a way for a while. I asked how long and he said a couple of weeks. I said.. only 2 weeks! Though I can imagine with him being a bit of a wanderer that he could get caught very easily with life on a hippy commune.
There is very limited phone contact up North, so I sent him a message for when he was back in range... and hope that he meets me on the way back down!
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