Don't know what to call this post... bit of a blaaaaah!
Last week was referred to as the 'older attractive woman', by a young man.. yes youth has officially moved from my coil to be replaced by 'attractive mature woman' tag.
This last week many of my amours have come out of the woodwork...
I received a knock on the door on Wednesday morning at 8.50am.. I was in the process of running round to get to work in my usual hurry (still makeup to put on) . Who should be standing there.. Stevie.. he of the moustachiod finger fame. Such a lovely surprise.. with the other surprise that I'm standing there still with no makeup and state of flurry.
He was back from Finland after 8 months.
Funny how when you meet someone it's like he had never left! We picked up where we left up and before long we were sitting in the local bar enjoying a morning beer. The last time I did that was with him 8 months ago!
Well, it seems that he has bought his baby and 'girlfriend' over and they live in a caravan in Newell Beach about 40 minutes away. He said that he was with his family but obviously there is a demarcation as he says that he only had sex twice with his girlfriend in the last 8 months. That he is staying here for at least 3 years, but doesn't know what his girlfriend wants to do. Seems a strange set up. So not sure what's going to happen on that one. He is a fun guy (minds me of the mushroom joke), but certainly not a serious contender for a long term relationship. He says such lovely things but not sure how many are backed up with actions.. He was so happy and genuinely relieved to have met me as he was worried I might have moved.
Bumped into Mr P.... in my local supermarket last Saturday! Quite a surprise as he lives an hour away. Such a lovely surprise, he jokingly asks "so what are you doing here.. ha! You live here!' . We had a chat and a laugh..... then his girlfriend arrived and we were duly introduced. Yep.. the triathlete. I certainly felt like the frumpy body sandwiched between the swelted and muscled. He has been with her for about a year now. They were up in Port Douglas for the weekend (a romantic one I imagine). Did see a woman resembling his girlfriend running in the high street that evening (though wondered why she chose the high street.. most runners run in the beautiful scenery surrounding the high street!). Don't think I've seen anybody running in the centre of town. Still, it's good to see they are both happy and certainly see where my downfall was!
Out on Saturday night and my sometime lover Neil was there. Hadn't seen him for a while. He told me that his girlfriend had left so I think he was finding his single feet again. We had a lovely chat and then we moved on. Being British we both have a good larf and share a common sense of humour.
Dean is still around.. since I have known him he has had one relationship of 6 months and recently another for 3 months. He totally wears his heart on his sleeve and his last relationship sounds a nightmare, but he is still persisting. I tend to see myself as an agony aunt with benefits! He tends to offload on me.. yes.. I have a listening ear! His words the other day "if only I could have met you 20 years earlier'. That took me aback and I thought.. blimey 20 years.. yep.. that's about right! Would make me 31 (he's about 34)... He has a bit of a rough diamond edge but he likes books on spirituality and believes in good in everyone. He just wants to meet someone and have a family, but sadly he seems to be pursuing the wrong types of girls who seem to take advantage of him. He wanted to come up and see me on Friday, but was too tired. Today on Facebook I see his 'ex' girlfriend with a big bunch of roses from him for her birthday.

And lastly Matt..
The guy I met before I went to UK in August. Professed almost undying love said that he was going to miss me and that it was going to be a long 3 weeks! Well.. it's been a long 5 months. In that time he backtracked said he didn't want to be in a relationship...Then he ended up with another girl for about a month. I saw him on Saturday night where he seemed to think that informing me that this new liaison had now left to go to the Gold Coast was of interest to me... and that he would see how it goes from there... so not sure what that meant. Just leave him to it... I think he has some issues to sort out and looking back in hindsight he wouldn't be good to have been in a relationship with so that's ok.

Feeling that I'm on the edge of all this girlfriend boyfriend activity.
I went away diving on Wednesday/Thursday.. brilliant trip.. see next post...
Thursday morning according to my guest (who was booking my room in my house) there was someone knocking on the door around 5.00am. I had my suspicions who it could be....
Sure enough, went out on Saturday night and happened to bump into "J" the guy from the other night - when we went to the quiz. He was off home - he couldn't get into the local club as he and his mates were wearing singlets not T Shirts.
5.00am on Sunday morning I get a text asking if I fancied coming round:
5.41am Hey there rosie! I donut suppose your up for some fun? If not no probs??
7.57am Hey Jim! Thanks for your text.. Always lovely to see you
9.00am Haha - Im feeling very Horny if ya wanna drop over!
9.00am This morning.. can't do. I've just arranged to go to brekky. You'll have to fly solo .. Another time:)
Ah.. the words of romance are not dead. And in case you are wondering.. no I didn't have a breakfast date. I'm just not up for being treated like a phone sex delivery service.
Men have no idea... if only he'd have said something endearing, like would be lovely to see you and then we can go to breakfast.. I would have been round like a shot.. yep because I am still gullible and taken in by smooth talking men!
Well... I continue on... not too bothered by the men thing... que cera cera. Onwards and upwards!