Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Today set off to pick up my two blind dates from the International Airport in Cairns.... one 23yr old hunk and a close friends sister - two people I have never met before! Should be interesting.. and indeed it was. I had only just left Port when my phone rang... a plaintive voice from 23yr old hunk saying that he missed his flight... so now only one person to pick up!

Sods law I have tomorrow off so I could have picked him up.. but nay.. I have an appointment at Mosman magistrate Court for my drunk driving charge tomorrow. So that's going to put the kaibush on any plans to go and pop over to see him. And before you say, he hasn't got a car here. it's in Melbourne and being under 23 he isn't insured to drive my car..

Aaaah.. just got a text saying that he can drive over and see me tomorrow as he has got a car.. !:)

Now that could be a solution!

Here's one profile pic that got away..... brings a new meaning to 'playing by ear'.

Reminds me of going to see a band and was told about one of the guitarists who was playing naked and the back plate wasn't on the back of his guitar. Result was one guitarist bonded to the mechanisms of his guitar by his short and curlys.


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