Well, it's all been happening.. or not as the case may be!
Been getting hardly any work as it is low rainy season at the moment.
Jaco.. the Dutch guy from the last blog said he would like to come up to Port. So with so many days off who was I to refuse.
So I collected him (2 hour round trip... things I do!). The next day we had a long lie in bed (he must have been tired after exerting himself the night before.. nudge nudge, wink wink). So got up quite late. We decided to go for a swim in Daintree river so went to the rainforest.. got down there and he had forgotten his swimming trunks. ...der!
Having chilled evenings together and decided to go the next day to Cape Tribulation.
So we jumped into the bug (me praying that the car will peform and not break down!), and off we went.
We decided for interest and value for money we would go to the Exotic Fruit Farm

Certainly some interesting textures, colours and tastes. It's amazing how much fruit is out there that is delicious but just not viably commercial. The Dragon fruit was lovely.. that was my favourite, dark purple, with succulent small seeded flesh that tastes a cross between a kiwi fruit and passion fruit... yum!
Hot tip.. on the star fruit.. delicious.. but just remove the edges from the pointy bits of the star as that is where it stores its more acidic 'bits' (highly technical!). Chupa Chupa means Suck Suck... though have to admit there was less sucking as 'picking' (it out of one's teeth). Resembled more of a stringy mango with a chunky stone in the middle.
The Abiu was tasty.. known as the creme caramel fruit, with a similar type of taste and the same type of consistency (wonder if you could burn caramelised sugar on the top for a fruity version). The Pommelo was a beautiful tasting citrus fruit, which needs genetically modifying to make it commercial - it's skin is about 4 cm thick (so a box of those would take up a lot of space for not a lot of actual fruit!).
We also went for a boat ride in the mangroves and spotted a couple of languid crocs keeping their body heat up in the sun. They hardly raised a croc eyebrow as we sauntered past, cameras clicking.
It was so lovely to be able to have a trip and share time with someone.
Managed to get back in one piece with me driving including a stop off for a dusk swim in the river watering/swimming hole... brrrracing and refreshing.. which I needed as my narcolepsy kicked in on the drive back and quite amazingly I drove onto the other side of the road as a car was coming.. woke up in time.. phew!! Jaco did offer to drive, but on further investigation it transpired that he knew how to drive but didn't have a license! (Minor point!).
Didn't sleep well that night (and no hanky panky happened that night) Jaco stayed up late watching TV etc. and the next morning I just got up early) as I had a rather 'come in and have a chat' talk with the supervisor of the divers at work.
I haven't blogged too much about work but things do not bodeth well there. I have been meaning to write it up on my blog, but something so near to my heart and just corroding my confidence I like to try and escape it when I get back home in the evening.
My next blog will be about the trials and tribs at work.....
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