So looking forward to meeting my dive buddy Mr PADI. Yes, of course I fancy him, amazing body.. but he just personifies what I would like in a man. He is intelligent, fun, motivated, diver,... blah blah blah.. (got to sound a bit like a shopping list then!).
I always look forward to seeing him. Always a bit unfortunate that the way I managed to make inroads into seeing him was offering myself up as a cinema buddy. This is a bit of a give with one hand and take with the other as this way I get to see him, but we sit and don't really communicate.
His last text message as he ran off to go to a meeting that he couldn't cancel was 'we'll do dinner or something next time"
So yep.. my hopes were raised.. the ante has been upped, we can sit together and get to know each other.
So was a little disappointed that his communication was to go to the cinema. I obviously will take any opportunity so grasped at these bits of grass...
Looking forward to today, then get a text "Can you get 2 tickets for m, I am plus one".
So I'm thinking either a lovely male friend (cosy sandwich in the cinema).. or a girlfriend (not so cozy sandwich). I couldn't believe he would bring a girlfriend, despite me thinking that if he brings a girl it shows how he really doesn't reagard me as anything more than an innocuous 'buddy'.
I arrived at the cinema ... aaaah! He arrived with this girl in tow... I remember a friend of mine saying that Mr PADI had been married to a Thai girl, so I am thinking 'he likes petite".. and this 'friend he brings along is petite. I feel hugely Amazonian when I am next to her. She wasn't particularly friendly (thank goodness it wasn't a dinner date!) and wasn't over eager to introduce herself. I was wondering what the hell she must be making of all this.. luckily Mr PADI sat between us in the cinema.
In the cinema he was making conversation with her and they seemed to be on friendly terms.. the only question I got asked was 'how's your car?'. As my ex boyfriend used to say - I felt a bit like a spare cock in an orgy.
I was surprised as with him I always imagined him to be with some glamorous creature, which is why I always tried to make myself look glam and alluring - the first time we met I had my hair done and had special manicure. This girl was small, jeans, long hair and not particularly stunning in any way. She had white teeth (but don't all Americans.. yes, she was American). But cut to the chase, she was probably in her early 30's and when it comes to being in any head to head in any bitch fight.. I'm over the ropes and in with the audience - I don't have the wherewithall to fight for any man, and let's face it, she has her life ahead of her, children, family etc... so it's really a non starter. I have the age now to bow out gracefully.,
Batman the Dark Knight... Batman the Dark Awkward Moments more like.
After the film Mr PADI offered to pay for the tickets I bought, I said 'Next time' with a smile, gathered up what pride I had left and said my goodbyes and left like a Batman out of hell.
Got to the car and realised that I had left the ticket in the car - and you can only pay for it inside - OK when it's not 9.00 at night and the doors of the Shopping Centre close behind you.
That lump in my throat did efferfesce into tears.
A message on my phone popped up "You OK? You left so quickly" from Mr PADI
So people what do I do....
1. Act nonchalant and pretend nothing is amiss with a text back saying "hi, yeh, had to leave in a hurry as had to check out something at work" (kind of true).
2. Send text back saying - 'felt a bit of a spare part, and didn't want to intrude on your evening'
3. Send text saying- Would be good to catch up again soon and then I can explain.
4. Leave it......?
I have just sent a message back 3 days later - "Yes, Thought it appropriate to leave. I must admit I felt very awkward. Whether she was your girlfriend or friend I just felt uncomfortable.. I hope u understand"
Will see what happens...

PENELOPE P in PORT Aged 49 Penelope P is found licking her wounds and patching up her emotions after finishing a 6 year relationship. Originally from the UK, her split inspired her to move lock stock and 2 smoking barrels from Sydney to the tropical paradise of Port Douglas to start the next Chapter in her life. Not knowing anybody and putting a pin in a map, literally, this is the blog of her finding her feet, her confidence and her life.....
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Coming Soon...
What happened on my two speed date nights - and what happened to the two meetings that subsequently happened as a result of these nights...
Tomorrow - going to see the Dark Knight with Mr Padi! (3rd time going to the pics!!.. )
And so to my next job.....
Guess where I am working - here's a few clues
This is my office (top left window)
And this is what I am Marketing Coordinator for............
The very strange world of the Casino!
Well who would have thunk that!
One minute there I was enjoying the beautiful undersea, though somewhat sporadic, world of the Coral Sea working as a Diving Instructor /Snorkle Guide and the next week Marketing Coordinator for the Casino.
On Thursday I received a call from the employment agency that I had approached about 3 months earlier, but not expecting to hear anything.
Here in Far North Queensland there is a real shortage of jobs for females. Men work in the mines, engineers, tradesmen, construction etc. Girls here work in restaurants, bars, hospitality. Good admin work is hard to come by.
They asked if I could attend an interview on the Friday and start on Monday. To which I replied 'yes'. I had decided that I needed a 'proper' job. This last year has been a very expensive one for me, not only in spending money, but in making it. So, I had decided that I needed to get serious, gird my loins and really start working again.
I arrived for the interview, where the Marketing and Sales Director just talked non stop, I managed a few thoughtful yes's and mmms.. and then was bid goodbye. An hour later the Agency called to say that I had the job. I asked about the other people that were coming for the interview and they said that they had cancelled them and can I start on Monday.
There are not many jobs that you are asked to work in marketing for but told that you can't partake in the actual activity that one is promoting!
I have to admit that I look at the gamblers in the casino - the VIP's in the Diamond Room and none of them look rich. Mainly shabby clothes, a little unkempt around the edges and I do wonder.....
It is a moral question - do we have a right to tell people what to do with their money. A friend of mine did have a go at me that I was working for a Casino as his Grandmother had lost all her money gambling. I have contemplated that is it wrong to serve drinks or work in a bar when people's lives are also destroyed by drink and throwing good money after drink (which you only rent anyway, as you urinate it out the other end!).
It does sit a bit uncomfortably on my shoulders but what I I like are the other activities that I am involved in as they have a nightclub, live music , Bars, Art Exhibitions, magicians and two restaurants, celebrity visits and talks, so I enjoy writing the scripts for the TV and Radio Ads and see the casino as a by-product of the activities that interest me.
I have to say that interesting jobs in these parts is rather like finding a red Smartie - with white spots!
It is initially for a 3 month contract to cover maternity leave, but there is a major reshuffle in 3 months and the HR Manager said that 'they would look after me' and I could ask for a 'pay increase' in my new role (whatever that will be)
So initially I have been driving from Port Douglas to Cairns and back (about 140 kmh). A couple of days ago I found a room in a house so now I live here in the week and have put my other bedroom in my house on the rental market (only a took a day and have just rented it out for 4 days.. so that more than covers my rent for a week!).
I am finding it intially a bit difficult as the guy that owns the house lives on the ground floor under me. He has the TV on ALL night and he snores louder than a hammer drill.. so I am finding it difficult to sleep here...
We shall see.........!
This is my office (top left window)
And this is what I am Marketing Coordinator for............
The very strange world of the Casino!
Well who would have thunk that!
One minute there I was enjoying the beautiful undersea, though somewhat sporadic, world of the Coral Sea working as a Diving Instructor /Snorkle Guide and the next week Marketing Coordinator for the Casino.
On Thursday I received a call from the employment agency that I had approached about 3 months earlier, but not expecting to hear anything.
Here in Far North Queensland there is a real shortage of jobs for females. Men work in the mines, engineers, tradesmen, construction etc. Girls here work in restaurants, bars, hospitality. Good admin work is hard to come by.
They asked if I could attend an interview on the Friday and start on Monday. To which I replied 'yes'. I had decided that I needed a 'proper' job. This last year has been a very expensive one for me, not only in spending money, but in making it. So, I had decided that I needed to get serious, gird my loins and really start working again.
I arrived for the interview, where the Marketing and Sales Director just talked non stop, I managed a few thoughtful yes's and mmms.. and then was bid goodbye. An hour later the Agency called to say that I had the job. I asked about the other people that were coming for the interview and they said that they had cancelled them and can I start on Monday.
There are not many jobs that you are asked to work in marketing for but told that you can't partake in the actual activity that one is promoting!
I have to admit that I look at the gamblers in the casino - the VIP's in the Diamond Room and none of them look rich. Mainly shabby clothes, a little unkempt around the edges and I do wonder.....
It is a moral question - do we have a right to tell people what to do with their money. A friend of mine did have a go at me that I was working for a Casino as his Grandmother had lost all her money gambling. I have contemplated that is it wrong to serve drinks or work in a bar when people's lives are also destroyed by drink and throwing good money after drink (which you only rent anyway, as you urinate it out the other end!).
It does sit a bit uncomfortably on my shoulders but what I I like are the other activities that I am involved in as they have a nightclub, live music , Bars, Art Exhibitions, magicians and two restaurants, celebrity visits and talks, so I enjoy writing the scripts for the TV and Radio Ads and see the casino as a by-product of the activities that interest me.
I have to say that interesting jobs in these parts is rather like finding a red Smartie - with white spots!
It is initially for a 3 month contract to cover maternity leave, but there is a major reshuffle in 3 months and the HR Manager said that 'they would look after me' and I could ask for a 'pay increase' in my new role (whatever that will be)
So initially I have been driving from Port Douglas to Cairns and back (about 140 kmh). A couple of days ago I found a room in a house so now I live here in the week and have put my other bedroom in my house on the rental market (only a took a day and have just rented it out for 4 days.. so that more than covers my rent for a week!).
I am finding it intially a bit difficult as the guy that owns the house lives on the ground floor under me. He has the TV on ALL night and he snores louder than a hammer drill.. so I am finding it difficult to sleep here...
We shall see.........!
My half a century!
I think it's official now... 50 years old!
OK, OK.... pulled my head out of my bucket.... I am now 50!
How I remember exclaiming with some concern when I was 25 - I am quarter of a century!
Never thinking that one day I would hear myself exclaim - 'I am half a century!'
My initial thoughts for my birthday was to have a few 'select' friends. Well, truth be known, they are only 'selected' because I don't have many friends here. So the original idea was a lovely sit down lunch in a beautiful setting.. extending into some afternoon drinking and revellry.
And so it was that I found a house that was available for the day of my birthday. That in itself was a major coup. All the beautiful houses for that weekend (and we are talking $500+ per night, minimum of 3 nights) were gone! So it was through a friend that I found it (it's who you know in this world!)
What a house.. 6 bedroomed set in the rainforest with views across to the sea!
My closest friends in Port, Gabs and Josh mentioned about extending the 'day' to Saturday and Sunday nights - so making a long weekend and also have a party on the Saturday night. When I voiced my concern about not knowing enough people for a party he said that the local rugby team that he played with would all come.. so that's a party in a can! I joked that even if I spent my birthday just with Gabs and Josh then that would be a lovely one.
So my 50th celebrations became party Saturday night, Lunch BBQ on the Sunday and then extend to Sunday night.
That was the plan..........
I took a deep breath, delved into my pocket and paid out for the extra nights, a PA disco system and lights, enough booze for a party and a BBQ and food to feed an army.... plus a 22 seater bus to pick up the footy team from Port Douglas to bring the to the party and then to leave at 2.00am. I had even organised a supply of some disco biscuits..
On Saturday.. running round like a blue arsed fly.. To keep the price down I was supplying all the linen.. so in the day - setting up the PA system, making the beds, preparing the food (coronation potato, tom moz and basil salad, couscous parsely fetta) and preparing the decorations, even delivering a sign and balloons to the coach company. for the ...... party bus!
I also managed to have a bikini wax, a facial and had my hair washed and dried (though after an hour, due to the humidity here it had all frizzed back out again and looked as wild as it had before!).
At 7.00pm I get a call from Gabs.. change the bus to pick up from the Central Hotel not Rattle and Hum.. as the guys are watching the rugby match So did that with the bus company..
8.00 I had manged to throw some makeup on (decided on my 50th party cosutme).. demure white 'Roxy' T shirt dress and drove down to get the footy boys on the bus.
I arrived at The Central and spotted easily 3 tables full of dark green and dark blue rugby shirts.. and a rugby match on the big screen that was only half way through.. so nobody could even take their eyes of the screen.. let alone their bums off their seats to move to another location.
After asking around.. yep.. match finishes in an hour.. so come back in an hour. So spoke to the bus driver and he agreed to return at 9.00.
So Gabs, Josh and me proceeded on to the house.
Gabs getting in the party mood
9.00 call from the bus driver.. "where is everyone."....... and after some calls from Josh to various people.. seems that we lost our canned party crew and the bus left with all its 22 seats empty.
As a party crew back up - I had also invited friends that I worked with on Poseidon dive boat....
So Josh, me and Gabs sitting in the house.. and Tom, one of the Instructors that I worked with on Poseidon turned up (the other guys 'couldn't make it').. and then Gary (see earlier posts) and Maya turned up.. so that made 6 of us.
And then there were 3... when Tom arrived
Which was lovely... after Tom, Gary and Maya had left, Josh made a call and 2 other people rocked up. One I had seen around and another that I had worked with, so knew fairly well. We downed the disco biscuits and boogied. We had such fun. By the end of the night all the guys had their tops off and we were literally swinging round the room on the structural poles and having a wild night, I remember at one point being surrounded by 3 well toned chests and thinking.. not bad for a 50 year old!! Josh had hurt his leg in rugby so he was watching most of us dancing from the comfort of a chair. When he got the strong urge to dance he would hobble over to one of the poles and we would dance around him!
I went to bed at 4.00 - being 'responsible' and bearing in mind I had guests arriving at 1.00 the next day. Josh and Gabs partied on till 7.00am!
The next day was the more demure section of the celebrations.
The first people to arrive was Melissa ... in tow with her 2 daughters and husband - one daughter was 10 yrs old. Melissa is a friend that I know from school! Through my friends in the UK I found out that she was living in Australia.. and only an hour down the road! The last time we had met before we renewed contact was when we were 17! So we have met up a couple of times for coffee and get on very well.
My builder, Roger (ex Olympic swim coach) and his wife arrived, Gary (see previous blogs) and Maya, Doug - musician and chiropractor and friend of Gary and then Gary announced to me that Richard (the guy that he shares a house with and his friend Chilligo had arrived). I wondered why such an announcement. Then I looked down the stairs and saw Richards effeminate nail polished hand flying in the air as he's so pissed he can't quite negotiate the door entrance. Richard's gaunt petite pigeon framed was being admirably supported by Chillo (ex vogue model).. and yes, Richard is off his proverbial tree.
He makes quite an entrance much to everyone's entertainment.
At one point we are all chatting and sitting around when Richard stands up in a commanding (though somewhat camp) voice to announce that he is going to tell a joke. The whole table waits with baited breath (aware that there is a 10 year old present with young un-adulterated ears).
So Richard launches off "There were two eggs, one egg said to the other.. I can see your crack,,,,," Whereupon I stand up and firmly say to Richard that I think that is where this joke stops! Audible sigh of relief from around the table!
Judging by Gabs's reaction I think that was the moment that Richard's joke was found to be a rude one.
We had a lovely afternoon. I was so pleased that most people didn't seem to know each other and yet everyone was talking animatedly and enjoying themselves. Gary got his guitar out and thankfully Doug and Gary only played a few songs each. Always worry when the guitars come out (just looking around to see if any bongo players were appearing from the undergrowth) as they then tend to monopolise the event.
Towards the end of the night found Gary, Maya, Richard, Chilligo , Gabs, Doug and Doug's dog Scarlett - we went downstairs and sat by the pool.
The entertainment continued as Richard refused to get into his car unless he was driving - which was a highly preposterous idea, even despite Richard stamping his feet and throwing a hissy fit, didn't get him anywhere except to make us quite entertained at the carry on. Gary was driving him home so refused to budge until he calmed down.
Then it was down to 2.. Gabs and me... we got our swim things on and went for a swim.. ... had a lovely time doing handstands and doing back flips off the edge...
![]() |
The Living Area |
The pool |
My bedroom (no action of any kind seen here!) |
View from bedroom |
Surrounded by the rainforest... beautiful |
And I can think there is no better way to end a 50th than with celebratory back flips!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Change of jobs! Change of Direction!
I was going to write this blog about a lovely job that I now have working on a Yacht owned by a couple of friends. Only 3 or 4 of us on the boat, and it really feels like a family! I do the snorkelling briefing and then take the snorkellers out from Low Isles. It's lovely to be able to have the time to give 'quality' time to small groups (maximum number on the boat 22). As with all jobs in tourism here, though, work is stop and start. I did do a 4 day straight, then last week with forecasted 30 knot winds no work at all.

As we pull away from the drifting boat.. with no engine or wind |
On my second day out, the engine spluttered and died (and yes, even though it's a yacht there was no wind to power it). So we were becalmed with 20 people. No engine and drifting. So what comes to our rescue - the high speed 'Adrenalin' boat. Everyone was good and treated this extra super sonic rescue boat as a real bonus.
It was in this becalmed state of work that I receive a phone call from a recruitment agency asking if I would be interested in a 3 month marketing job at the Reef Casino. Aha! Back to marketing, 5 days a week and a guaranteed income. This last year has seen a massive dent in my savings, so need to start putting some back in. The car, the house, and a 3 month holiday have all taken their toll. Also, I was getting a little concerned about working in the diving/snorkelling industry here and was thinking that I needed a 'proper' job and to move to Cairns where I would have more of a chance.
So I arrive at the interview in the first 'slot' of the day. Thought 'casino, nightclubs, stage shows, gambling' so thought on a bit of a lively suit, above the knee and sandles, youngish, modern.
The interview.. haha.. that's a laugh. The octogenerian Marketing Manager frumpily interviewed me by telling me exactly in miniscule detail what the job entailed.. so all Ihad to do was nod my head and say 'yes' in the appropriate places! Apparently, he is nearing 70 and leaving in 3 months. I was also told that because it was a 5 star establishment (though have to admit looked more like cheese and tack, than anything 5 star) I had to wear skirts below the knee, closed in shoes and not reveal any flesh around my shoulders!. Casino.. more like a nunnery! She mentioned this to the agency about dress sense saying that I have to also work with "Richard" who is nearing 70. So not sure if all this dress code is in the end to stop Richard having a heart attack with any dress sense that could send fatal palpitations to his heart!
So took myself off to the charity shop immediately for some conservative attire. Made me laugh remembering how my ex used to hate me buying anything 'Grandmaish'.... With all my new gear I could put the Queen to the test! Just missing the little hand held handbag!
One hour after the interview the Agency called to say that I had the job. I asked about the other candidates and she said that they have cancelled every other interview!
So nothing like being side swiped... love these type of things in life. So I commute 120km by car every day to Cairns - thinking that I might have to get a room up there in the week and maybe rent the room out here.
So another new beginning..... exciting....
Ironically, I was due to go up to the Casino on Thursday night as a friend of a friend is a salsa dancer in a show there and we were going to go and see her! So maybe next week... with my staff discounted tickets!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Over 1,000 of you have hit this blog!
Yes... over 1,000 hits on my lil' ol' blog.
So to my readers I say a big thank you! If you look at the stars one night... one realises how insignificant our little lives are and that's how I feel about this blog. For people to show any interest in the ramblings of a crazy middle aged woman is all humbling.
I know I don't blog as often as a dedicated blogger should, but I hope my ditties and insights are entertaining, some times insightful, odd times amusing and hopefully inspirational.
From the statistics I see that my readers are from many diverse countries - Australia, Russia, US, UK, Germany, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Canada, Panama and Egypt. Though the stats don't show the breakdown of sex, I would bet on the fact that 99.9% of the readers are women. No matter what country we come from women have the same needs and wants wherever we are, whether we are single, married, or mothers. At 49, never married with no children my lifestyle is one of foot loose and fancy free. If you are a Mother with children and families I am sure there are wistful thoughts about this type of lifestyle. My advice has always been - the grass may always be greener on the other side.. but it just depends where you water it!
I hope through my blog that women will realise that deconstructing one's life to live it again is not a backwards step. Have the courage of your convictions!
Remember no one is in charge of your happiness except you!
So some wise words:
It hasn't all been easy, but I have discovered the difference between 'alone' and 'lonely' and 'single' and 'unmarried'. There have been times I have had to take my mind off the solitary Sundays or the large King Size that I sleep in singly. I tried not to think too much about the task of building a life in a new country in a new place without knowing anybody. But having you out there reading this, writing this - what a wonderful tool the internet is - a real life saver.
So to my readers I say a big thank you! If you look at the stars one night... one realises how insignificant our little lives are and that's how I feel about this blog. For people to show any interest in the ramblings of a crazy middle aged woman is all humbling.
I know I don't blog as often as a dedicated blogger should, but I hope my ditties and insights are entertaining, some times insightful, odd times amusing and hopefully inspirational.
From the statistics I see that my readers are from many diverse countries - Australia, Russia, US, UK, Germany, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Canada, Panama and Egypt. Though the stats don't show the breakdown of sex, I would bet on the fact that 99.9% of the readers are women. No matter what country we come from women have the same needs and wants wherever we are, whether we are single, married, or mothers. At 49, never married with no children my lifestyle is one of foot loose and fancy free. If you are a Mother with children and families I am sure there are wistful thoughts about this type of lifestyle. My advice has always been - the grass may always be greener on the other side.. but it just depends where you water it!
I hope through my blog that women will realise that deconstructing one's life to live it again is not a backwards step. Have the courage of your convictions!
Remember no one is in charge of your happiness except you!
So some wise words:
Respect yourself to walk away
From anything that no longer
serves you
grows you
or makes you happy It hasn't all been easy, but I have discovered the difference between 'alone' and 'lonely' and 'single' and 'unmarried'. There have been times I have had to take my mind off the solitary Sundays or the large King Size that I sleep in singly. I tried not to think too much about the task of building a life in a new country in a new place without knowing anybody. But having you out there reading this, writing this - what a wonderful tool the internet is - a real life saver.
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