As a follow on from my last blog with Andy...
(25 year old, rugby player.. who declared his admiration of me via Facebook - see previous blogs)
Was due to meet him this weekend (yep. don't hold your breath on that one!) I thought after a 5 week break that it might bring him impetus to be more organised. So Saturday night... was going to be on.. still on.. then on Friday he said he had to work but would be finished by midday... midday I received another text.. he was going to be finished by 4.00.. then there was drinks with his boss.. and then.. he was too tired and he was knackered. Try again for Sunday. Agreed we would call each other at 12.30 and meet up in the afternoon. I find out last minute that I have work .. so text him to say that I can't make the afternoon.. but can make it around 6.30 ........ no response back.. This is the man who has lost his mobile phone more times than I have had hot dinners! Now it's Wednesday and nothing from him......
(32 year old boxer.. see previous blogs)
This is the man who offered to put me up the night before I left for the UK and take me to the airport.. at 4.00am! Who took me out to a wonderful dinner on my last night and only this weekend Facebooked me " would love your company right now, so lonely right now being home

Hadn't seen him for 6 weeks as he was away on the mines so arranged to go up and see him last Monday.
I said I would call him at 5.00pm.. so pretty clear that I was going to see him on Monday evening and that I wanted to stay the night as I also had things I needed to do on Tuesday (and also fancied the intimacy of feeling his body next to mine and waking up together in the morning.. and of course a lovely cuddle!). So bit perturbed when I get a message on Monday at 4.30.. "got dinner at 6-7 when are you coming round?" Picked up the phone and agreed that I would get round there immediately.. he would go to dinner briefly with a friend and then he would return. So I meet him at 5.30... we have a bit of a cuddle.. a bit of the 'other' grab a quick drink and then he's off to dinner.
At 11.00pm I am still sitting solo watching TV on his couch and thinking 'WTF!'. So I go to bed.. in his bed, by myself (so much for my night of intimacy and cuddles). Get up at 7.30am and decide to go to the gym. Texted him to say that I had left the key for him under a rock outside. At 8.30am I get a text "just got home, I'm going into town and then to the tablelands xo'. I texted that I was 'sorry to have missed him' (just read through the lines on that message). His reply was 'ended up blind last night so going straight to mums , catch up soon xo'.
So got back home thinking 'what is it with these men!'... when up pops a lovely text from Fred (see Romance in the Rainforest blog) asking how I was.. aaah.. bless him and saying how much he was enjoying the Bill Bryson book I gave him (The History of the World and Nearly Everything). Good to know there are some men out there with manners and decorum.
Feeling at the moment that I would very much like to be an asexual worm crawling through the grass..
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