Monday, March 4, 2013

=] Continued........

Just when I thought it was bye bye Stevie......

Last Thursday a message popped up on my phone at 3.53am  "What U doing"

My answer: "Sleeping... ah no, texting you!"

His answer "Going 4 a swim in ya pool, soon bahaha"

So there I was at 4.00 am swimming with him in the balmy tropical night!  My goodness.. talk about pressing the rewind button..... it was all lovey dovey and how wonderful for emotional amnesia!

The next morning was a long lazy sleep in (good thing about this not working lark!).. a Friday morning laze.  Complete with my post passion new Brazilian (a request to reveal all was me in the shower at 5.00 hacking my way through my undergrowth with a razor).

What a lovely catch up!

I had various commitments this weekend working at a couple of markets, so late nights were out and early mornings were in so didn't expect to meet up for a a few days after I dropped him back home.

He is on a mission to suck up like a sponge all these wild experiences and joyous moments so that when he goes to Finland next week, which I think he is not so looking forward to, he can squeeze bits out of the sponge when the going gets tough over there.  He is already on anti-depressants in preparation for his 6 month stint over there,

Last night - Sunday - was massive storms, lightning and rain with 98 cm falling in one night.   When the power went off and I was looking at my only candle .. all 2cm of it, and was contemplating moving to a local hostelry I received a phone call from him.  I said that i was going to the pub.. he had had a bit too much drink to drive so i said I would pick him up to save the taxi fare.. and he could spend the taxi fare on drinks on me.  He said rather sweetly that I am far too helpful and that I shouldn't be so giving, so the taxi fare was my idea of being a bit less giving.

The journey over to pick him up was an interesting one.. he lives about 10km away.  I was driving down the main road that I normally travel at 100km down.. thought I would go at a reasonable 80km... as I realise a bit too late that most of the road consists of puddles across the road as I aqua plane across a particularly large one (remembering.. Don't brake!)...

When I got to the turning to Cooya Beach through the haze of rain I could see some hazard lights ahead ..   I found out they were just before the puddles of all puddles.  A 4x4 passed me and careered through.. so there's me in my VW Beetle thinking.. here I go....

I knew it was a mistake when I could see the water looking like a river running around the car.

I imagined the headlines 'Bug gets swept away with dumb Brit driving".  So I hit reverse and tried to drive back to position A - no easy feat when I couldn't even see out he back window in the driving rain.

So rather a palpitating moment for the heart.  Made it back to terra firma. I rang Stevie and like a knight in shining armour he said he would be with me in a minute... just got back and another car pulls up.  I wind down the window and hear a 'Rosie!' - yes, it's Stevie's house mate, Kyle.  He agreed that in non 4x4 cars that this flood took cars off the road and since he was in a compact non 4x4 hatchback I advised him that Stevie was on the way.

So in Stevie's wake of his truck we went in convoy and drove behind him as he cleared most of the water away in his wake.  Kyle disappeared so we had a tete a tete night ahead as it was obvious gong back to Port Douglas was not a viable option... yes, how well planned am I, no toothbrush, no contact lenses, wearing a white T shirt dress and white underwear with no spare clothes.... ooh yes, all good for an overnight stay

We hit the wine and had a lovely night..  involved merriment, fun, and even sitting together in the corner spa under the shower head.

We spent the day together starting with a lovely breakfast in Mossman in a cafe modelled out of bits of wood and inventive metalwork and a not too healthy bacon and egg muffin and coffee. With a white dress and undies now looking decidedly more feral..

We watched a film called 'Stone' - with Edward Norton, Robert de Niro and Milla Jovovich - made in 2010 and highly recommended.

Then a few beers in Mossman at lunch time where Stevie bumped into many locals, The first lady Jody, congratulated him on the forthcoming birth of his baby as she had been chatting to his Mum... so it's general community knowledge.  Felt a bit weird sitting there whilst he was being congratulated on the birth and talking about his life in Finland.  Found out the baby was actually planned as well... so that was interesting...

I left late afternoon with a smile, a wave and a kiss goodbye....

All good!

What a strange relationship this is.  I get the feeling he lets things slip like how beautiful he finds me, or gives me his hand to hold, even though he doesn't like public displays of affection, he even said how cool I was today and how easy it was to get on with me!  I did ask him why he doesn't come (he has only come once in the whole time).... he said anything more than two drinks would do it.... and that he feels guilty.. so not sure what's happening on this .. or what the real story is...

He has asked me to take him to the airport next week!

Well, that's the latest update - It's certainly going to be strange when he is not around after next

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