I was put on the other boat today. Doesn't go to the pontoon but stops at three separate dive/snorkle sites on the Agincourt Reef.
Can you believe the Barrier Reef is as big as New Zealand/Italy?
Aaah bliss.. away from Min the Merciless. But from one gloomy outlook to another kind!
Last night it pissed down with rain of over 200mm in just 24 hours - wettest Cairns day EVER! A record breaker!
The moment we saw a Frigate fly over there were mutterings about frigate=storm.. and soon enough the squall hit.
We were hardly out of Port when a frenzied game of pass the vomit bags began. Pale faced groaning passengers retasted their breakfasts as the first surge of the waves made the boat roll as reverse peristalsis resulted. All shoved under their noses with plastic gloved hands (can't be too careful with any wayward splashes!).
And if you were wondering.. yes I was the snorkel guide today as part of my training and this was what I was snorkelling in. Underneath looking down at the divers in the calm depths I know where I would have rather been!
The current was sweeping everyone towards the back of the boat. Boy, did I get a workout today trying to keep everyone in an orderly group - behind the boat and not swept by the current to either sides of the boat.
Did so much finning that I rubbed raw my burn blister (a splodge shaped 1 inch diameter blister from when I dropped hot fat on my foot) from frantic finning friction.
One good thing about this boat is it's full of people taking refuge from Merciless Min. Apparently some people only work on this boat as they refuse to work with her on the other one .. way to go!
Dave the main guy is originally a London lad, who has worked for 8 years, and to use a cliche - the atmosphere between the two boats is like chalk that's extra chalky and cheese that's extra cheesy!
Did go to a Plenty of Fish date last week... enter Dean...
We met in a hotel area looking at asians enjoying swimming in the pool. When I asked if they served any drinks he said they didn't serve anything. I said that even a glass of water would be good (I'd been running around, and waiting for him for 15 minutes in the sun as he was late), but nowhere was there even a glass of water to be had. That's a good idea for a hot date location!
His photos showed a natural light brown head of hair. My first thought was aaaah! He had died his hair jet black, though had left the grey sideboards - strange look. Under the auspice of his raven mop in contrast was his brilliant white training shoes.
He mentioned he was ultra ultra hot on bodily and house cleanliness. He split up from his last girlfriend because she didn't listen to him. His advice to me when I said that I watched the TV was that it could hurt your eyes. I said that it was OK I used my computer at the same time. He said that that was doubly bad for the eyes. He was pretty direct and asked me if I found him attractive. I did say he wasn't really my type, with the word ANAL!! bleeping subliminally from my brain and almost made it off the tip of my tongue.
I did line up a date for after this one... Marius was in a meeting till 3.00 so he was going to call me when he got out about where to meet - we were due to meet at 6.00pm. No texts. No voicemails. I did text - no reply. So at 5.45 my last voicemail was that I was leaving and if he didn't call me in 10 minutes then I was going home...... and haven't heard from him since, even for an apology, or a rebook. Nothing like being rejected without even meeting up!
Next date I have is next Sunday... so we shall see.... !
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