Met Mr Padi... he of the 6'4" with shoulders (almost also 6'4"!) and a body to die for. Also, a proper man, knows how to treat a woman, and is a lovely, likeable, fun person to boot (despite being worried when I stayed at his place last time that it was absolutely pristine and all the cupboards were filled with protein powders). Also of course, our love of diving both as a hobby and as careers.
To recap.. he is the guy that came on the boat when I was working. From the moment I ticked his name off when he arrived (not realising he was Mr PADI then) I thought wow! My lookout duty on the top of the boat was definitely distracted by his sunbathing torso on the back deck!
After he handed out his business cards to everyone (including me) I called him to see if he needed a cinema buddy. On the trip back from the Reef we had had a good chat and laugh, and he joked that he often went to the cinema by himself.
So this was our second buddy date - Prometheus in 3D.. my first 3D film. Yes, up to now I have been a virgin 3Der so it was great..
Mr PADI was so apologetic as he said that he had tried to cancel a meeting that he had afterwards (the cinema was at 3.20pm).
He is off to Europe for 3 weeks. So promised that he would catch up on his return.
The next day a message:
Thanks for yesterday!! Need to do it over next month and combine with dinner or something.
And he had sent it twice!
Am I reading too much into this. Would love this to progress, but its one of those situations that I'd rather keep him as a friend than blow it by taking it to the next level. As such, I think he might have been a bit worried I was going to leap on him when we first met.... But now it's the exact opposite - I don't even touch him or flirt with him! I consider that since I was the one that instigated the first call, he knows how I feel so why play games. He either likes me or he doesn't.
Oh, well.. roll on 20th July.. when he gets back..
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