me in aug 2011
He is 45, 'but looks younger' as said in his profile.
After too many men in their 20's who haven't got a clue, men in their 30's who are more 'there', but more interested in finding a soul mate to have children and families with I am trying hard to accept that a person more my age is the way to go.
I had been texting and chatting with Mark, so he seemed very nice, a sense of humour, intelligent and successful.
Our first meeting he suggested 'Salsa' - the best restaurant in Port Douglas, that has won many awards. Not mexican as one would have thought by their name, but beautiful fresh modern food (Clinton ate at this restaurant on 9/11). So certainly a first for me to have a man who wanted to go somewhere with fine dining!
My first impression was yep.. he's an older man and in the light of the restaurant lights it seemed to highlight a dense hair dye of dark brown/black colour, which is in his photo, but not so noticeable. I can never understand why one blanket dark colour is deemed to be the answer to the onset of grey hair. He would look so much better with blonder highlights, with some grey - much more natural looking.
This shock of dark brown/dark hair always reminds me of a hairdresser I knew called Anton I met a while ago in my early 20's. He was obviously bald, and also highly sensitive about it, so what does he do. Gets a toupee that looked like a black shag pile rug, that even a blind person could spot a 40 steps. Images of gorillas when I saw him used to go through my head.
So his 'looking younger' bit was probably an out of a bottle addition.
I had been hoping that when we met all would be magic. A lover of nature and a sense of humour.. always a good start. But on the 'date' he talked incessantly about his work... not helping that two other diners were customers - including the owners of the restaurant. He did disappear and do 'business' with the owners to try and get back onto their books. He would say 'I seem to be doing a lot of talking about myself'......... and then continue talking about himself.
He did give me an affectionate hug and kiss on the cheek when I left.
On speaking to Gary, he reckons I should give him another go as he said that when men are nervous they tend to fill gaps with talk (not that there was a chance for any gaps!), and that he might have just been shy.
Anyway, he seems normal enough, solvent, intelligent and actually not bad looking, though I imagine with his bird watching and his job there isn't much time for much else (I invited him to stay in the spare bedroom but he said he had to get back as he had volunteered for a bird tour the next morning!).
Isn't it funny that he is 4 years younger than me, but I see him as being too 'old'. What a strange sense of perspective I have!
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