More on Jonas and his stay...........
Yes, it could have been the beginning of a wonderful relationship.... but it wasn't.. at most the beginning of a tentative friendship.
We met in Perth as he chatted me up.... danced me off my feet, had a wonderful kiss and dance and he bought me a rose, before his rather sudden demise and lack of compus mentis due to too much alcohol imbibed.
We did follow up that drunken encounter with a rather formal drinks and dinner, but certainly nothing physical except for a goodbye hug with my immortal words 'if you ever want to come to Port Douglas then there is always a welcome for you there'.
Sure enough an email from him 9 months later advised me of his intentions to come and stay. When I said 'come and stay' my mind did think long weekend.. maybe 3 or 4 days, so was surprised to get the request for 8 days!
Perhaps deep down I was thinking.. maybe he wants to spend that extra time with me... aaahh.. my vanity!
So I pick him up at an unearthly 4am in the morning at Cairns airport and whizz him up to Port with mentions of going diving, hill walking and exploring.
We toured round Cape Tribulation and I saw my first wild cassowary, went on a snorkel trip to low isles, walked the Blue and Red Arrow trails, went pool surfing, swam in rainforest lagoons, bathed in waterfalls, and I just enjoyed showing someone around the beauty of the locality.
It was apparent from our first night that he was positively holding back and that there was certainly no zing or glimmer of affection from him. I did ask if he could actually remember how we met, to which he said he did . I asked 'why me?' and he said because I didn't look like I came from Perth. Not sure if that is a backhanded compliment, but it certainly wasn't the romantic answer I was looking for.
And so I felt the glimmer of any romantic liaison sliding off me like melted butter. Also, as time went on I distinctly became irritated by him. He asked if I had hand sanitizer to which I replied non plussed "what's wrong with soap?", on looking at his bedside table arrangements - a plethora of ear plugs and a airline eye mask. Snorkelling he asked for two noodles - always a first time.. never seen that one before... knew then that the diving trip was probably not on. It all came to a head when I found a packeted condom in my car. Since he was the only person who had been in the car I presumed it was his. I thought I asked him casually 'aah, yes I found this in the car.. presumed it was yours'. It's a hard sentence to say without perhaps a trace of resentment or accusation attached to the nuance of the announcement.
He went ballistic "IT IS NOT MINE!".... whew! If I had had a wig on .. it would have blown off with the force of the denial.
After the intial blast of denial died down we started talking.
It then came out that he was bisexual and slept with men. In my shock I asked 'do you give or take ?' to which he replied 'both'... and also to find on his Facebook this page. I think this is a man he is having an ongoing affair with and seems very much smitten by him, so methinks.. aha.. so that could explain much.

After the discussion we held hands and he was able to relax with me. How ironic that to get closer to him I have to find out that he likes men! After that evening he seemed more relaxed with me and I probably felt more relaxed now that I understood the situation.
... and even stranger after all that he said that the condom still wasn't his... so there still remains the mystery of the errant condom..
So funny.. on his last day I arranged to take a friend to the airport and before going to the airport we passed by the Crystal Cascades. Beautiful waterfall and cooling water. Jonas seemed to perk up a bit when he met Glen and after we dropped Glen off he mentioned how much he liked him (I presume in a friendship way).
I just saw Glen today and he said that Jonas had Facebooked him a friend request, but Glen didn't know whether to accept as he wasn't too happy with Jona's treatment of me. Bless Him.
Jonas and Glen at the Crystal Cascades...
We have since communicated via Facebook with the standard Happy Christmas and Happy New Year messages.... and I have an invite to stay with him in Perth. Methinks that it might be a while before I take him up on that.
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