Well looks like end of the road with Stevie
Text today:
Sent a text
"Hope you are having a good day today. $10 pizza tonight? Haha.. Hopefully wont end up the same way as last week :)B"
Don't know if that is a good idea
My reply
Haha - At least u have the back up keys of the back up keys
(This was a reference after last week, him getting drunk, then losing his keys, getting some spare keys cut and then finding his old keys!)
His Reply
Satday was not good! and u want something that I don't
(Eeeeeek.... so my rather hazy memories of a rather convoluted, bit of a messy, emotional night were grounded.. I have fucked up!)
(So now I am think how the bleedin hell do I reply to this. I started to think of composing one explaining how sorry I was that I got so drunk, another one trying to explain that despite really liking him I understand that he had only two weeks before he left, another idea.. not to reply at all. My friend Juss was here so she said it all sounds like it has been blown out of proportion a bit and downplay it)
So my reply was:
Don't read too much into it... Just wanting to have a good time with you before you leave :)
(Hoping this will give him the right feeling of nonchalant and non commital type of shrug emotions that obviously he would rather I have)
And so I expect no reply now..... but at least I have bowed out with some dignity intact. I will send him a message next week to say have a good trip... but that's it I think...
Oh dear.... so I have to think what lessons to learn.. and the only one I can think of at the moment is that I shouldn't care so much.... that when a guy likes me... stay aloof and then don't get drunk and give it all away! Wearing one's heart on one's sleeve is fine when one is in control, but expressing emotions when alcohol helps to lubricate ones tongue and emotions like the shedding of a stripper's underwear and leaves one emotionally exposed.
Oh well.. que cera cera!!

PENELOPE P in PORT Aged 49 Penelope P is found licking her wounds and patching up her emotions after finishing a 6 year relationship. Originally from the UK, her split inspired her to move lock stock and 2 smoking barrels from Sydney to the tropical paradise of Port Douglas to start the next Chapter in her life. Not knowing anybody and putting a pin in a map, literally, this is the blog of her finding her feet, her confidence and her life.....
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Haha... now I know what this is for.. it's Stevie's personal sign... it's his moustache!
My personal sign in reply is :)B (his pet name for me is jugalugs!)
Yes, I have been seeing a lot of Stevie recently..
On our second meeting we discussed our lives with some more personal detail and I sadly found out that his trip to Finland that I was under the impression was just a 'trip' was 6 months. The reason for the trip - his 'ex'girlfriend is going to give birth to his daughter (already named as well!).
The reason why I write 'ex' is because after our more in-depth discussions I consider that even though they have split up I consider that he still cares for her. The reason why they split... he hated living in Finland after 3 years and despite saying that she would come to Australia with him, she never intended to live here. So there was no personal breakdowns like affairs, personality clashes, just a geographical difference.
I have to admit that I do enjoy his company and am probably pushing a little too hard to make it work like a relationship, with the obvious feeling that I am leading myself into an emotional u turn in that I am going to have to gird my emotional loins when he does finally leave in a couple of weeks to embark on his emotional Fatherhood journey.
Last Tuesday I invited him to $10 pizza night at Rattle & Hum, a bar here, to meet my Finnish girlfriend Veera. I know that he is trying to keep up his Finnish for when he goes back, so thought they might enjoy meeting and talking to each other.
I texted him Tuesday am if he was up for it and he replied by text 'Don't think so?'
By coincidence I had a text from Simon asking if I could make it over Tuesday or Thursday as he was due to work away for a week and wanted to see me before he went.
So.... with a negative response from Stevie, a glowing invitation from the elusive Simon... and me struggling with my conscience and reminding myself that I am not a relationship and the normal rules don't really apply with regards to loyalty. I got in my car at 5.30 and turned out the drive.. and after only 50m spotted Stevie passing me in the other direction. I pulled over and thought I better call him... "Where are you going?" - "I am by your front door"... Eeeeeek! Methinks.. I turn round and hastily text Simon to tell him that I can't make it as I have to help a friend out with a broken car... just didn't quite know how to come up with anything better and met with Stevie. First question was "I didn't think you could make it... ". His message was not in the negative apparently, but when fully decoded meant that he was coming but it depended what time he finished work. Aaaah the joys of the ambiguous text message.
So we go over and Veera and Stevie have a brief chat in some strange language that
I took to be Finnish. Then he saw a friend there and that was it .. he was off chatting with his friend.
So after my friends left it was me and Stevie with friend. Where the evening continued with more drinking culminating with an invite back to a couple on their honeymoon inviting us back to their penthouse at a local 5 star hotel. I was ignorant to this until a taxi pulled up as i was walking down the road filled with people, no sign of Stevie, me confused with too much alcohol what was happening and decided to leave it as Stevie's friend was trying to wave me over to get in the the taxi.
A knock the next morning at 7.00am was Stevie saying that they had just continued drinking, ended up in the jacuzzi... him rather embarrassingly, throwing off his shorts and walking out and finding everyone else all wearing trunks (he was used to the Finnish way of jaccuzzi dressing). Seems he spent the night sleeping under a bush but that he had left behind his keys (car, lockable storage units, tool chest), wallet (no money in it) and a shirt. "Rosie, can you find out if the hotel has my belongings. "OK, what room number were you in?" - Don't know "What was the name of the people" - Don't know, "What was the view - the golf course, or the pool" - Don't know it was dark...Oh joy!
So the next day was spent by him trying to replace his keys as he couldn't work without access (I gave him a lift back to his place to pick up his spare truck key). Also he went to sleep about 5ish then got up got in his truck and went home about 7.00.
I enjoy his company, though have spent rather a lot of time drinking and then watching him fall to sleep as he recuperates! I was invited to a BBQ on Saturday by some friends and I asked if I could bring a friend.
So last night we arrive at 8.30 (I had to work and so only finished at 5.30) and it's an hour drive. Didn't do too badly putting on makeup, shower, and picking up Stevie.
I decided to try and make up for lost time on the drinking front ...... ended up with the BBQ attendees moving the party to Gilligans.. the local night club. More like a room full of heaving bodies! And as I was happily a bit drunk by that time I was also getting a bit drunken and emotional. Finding Stevie chatting to a spurious girl was not a sight that I really wanted to see, though I think it was probably harmless, but I think he was a bit defensive about it, which got my heckles up a little.
I can remember getting back to my friends place... and despite my drunken comments 'what are those keys doing on my key ring' (not realising that they were the keys that Mel gave me to get in ).. I had to charge the phone up so I could call Mel last night to let me in... oh dear.. drunk!
Rather embarrassing was Mel this morning saying that her desk in the study was covered in water (luckily it didn't go over the computer or the electrics). I said that it could have been a spilt glass of water .. or rather more ominously... urine. She said who had ever done it knew - as there was a towel that had been used to try and mop it up. After more research she said that it was urine... I called Stevie in and just mentioned that there was a lot of 'water' in here and he looked totally surprised by it.. so it only left Mark, Mel's boyfriend.
I don't think Stevie was that drunk and he did seem genuinely surprised. Mark, Mel said, was not a good drinker and had had a lot to drink last night.... so there's that big question mark hanging like the sword of Damaclese hanging over who could have done it....
We had a lovely drive back ... it's so beautiful here and Steve bought me lunch overlooking the beautiful Ellis Beach.

I dropped him at home where he proceeded to go to bed at 1.00 for a short nap with the plan to wake up at 2.00 and go to the Creek for a swim. By 4.00 he was still sleeping.. I was climbing up the walls with the lack of inertia, the sweaty heat and frustration of us not doing anything so I left. At 7.00pm I get a knock at home.. Stevie collecting his bag that I left in the car.. a quick case of grab the bag and then he drove home. No coming in for a chat, or staying for the night. I think he was in 'going to work' mode... which seems that staying here and work mode are not compatible.
Well, we will see... he's off in two weeks.. and in my life... they say a week is a long time in politics.. it's certainly a long time in my life...
Haha... now I know what this is for.. it's Stevie's personal sign... it's his moustache!
My personal sign in reply is :)B (his pet name for me is jugalugs!)
Yes, I have been seeing a lot of Stevie recently..
On our second meeting we discussed our lives with some more personal detail and I sadly found out that his trip to Finland that I was under the impression was just a 'trip' was 6 months. The reason for the trip - his 'ex'girlfriend is going to give birth to his daughter (already named as well!).
The reason why I write 'ex' is because after our more in-depth discussions I consider that even though they have split up I consider that he still cares for her. The reason why they split... he hated living in Finland after 3 years and despite saying that she would come to Australia with him, she never intended to live here. So there was no personal breakdowns like affairs, personality clashes, just a geographical difference.
I have to admit that I do enjoy his company and am probably pushing a little too hard to make it work like a relationship, with the obvious feeling that I am leading myself into an emotional u turn in that I am going to have to gird my emotional loins when he does finally leave in a couple of weeks to embark on his emotional Fatherhood journey.
Last Tuesday I invited him to $10 pizza night at Rattle & Hum, a bar here, to meet my Finnish girlfriend Veera. I know that he is trying to keep up his Finnish for when he goes back, so thought they might enjoy meeting and talking to each other.
I texted him Tuesday am if he was up for it and he replied by text 'Don't think so?'
By coincidence I had a text from Simon asking if I could make it over Tuesday or Thursday as he was due to work away for a week and wanted to see me before he went.
So.... with a negative response from Stevie, a glowing invitation from the elusive Simon... and me struggling with my conscience and reminding myself that I am not a relationship and the normal rules don't really apply with regards to loyalty. I got in my car at 5.30 and turned out the drive.. and after only 50m spotted Stevie passing me in the other direction. I pulled over and thought I better call him... "Where are you going?" - "I am by your front door"... Eeeeeek! Methinks.. I turn round and hastily text Simon to tell him that I can't make it as I have to help a friend out with a broken car... just didn't quite know how to come up with anything better and met with Stevie. First question was "I didn't think you could make it... ". His message was not in the negative apparently, but when fully decoded meant that he was coming but it depended what time he finished work. Aaaah the joys of the ambiguous text message.
So we go over and Veera and Stevie have a brief chat in some strange language that
I took to be Finnish. Then he saw a friend there and that was it .. he was off chatting with his friend.
So after my friends left it was me and Stevie with friend. Where the evening continued with more drinking culminating with an invite back to a couple on their honeymoon inviting us back to their penthouse at a local 5 star hotel. I was ignorant to this until a taxi pulled up as i was walking down the road filled with people, no sign of Stevie, me confused with too much alcohol what was happening and decided to leave it as Stevie's friend was trying to wave me over to get in the the taxi.
A knock the next morning at 7.00am was Stevie saying that they had just continued drinking, ended up in the jacuzzi... him rather embarrassingly, throwing off his shorts and walking out and finding everyone else all wearing trunks (he was used to the Finnish way of jaccuzzi dressing). Seems he spent the night sleeping under a bush but that he had left behind his keys (car, lockable storage units, tool chest), wallet (no money in it) and a shirt. "Rosie, can you find out if the hotel has my belongings. "OK, what room number were you in?" - Don't know "What was the name of the people" - Don't know, "What was the view - the golf course, or the pool" - Don't know it was dark...Oh joy!
So the next day was spent by him trying to replace his keys as he couldn't work without access (I gave him a lift back to his place to pick up his spare truck key). Also he went to sleep about 5ish then got up got in his truck and went home about 7.00.
I enjoy his company, though have spent rather a lot of time drinking and then watching him fall to sleep as he recuperates! I was invited to a BBQ on Saturday by some friends and I asked if I could bring a friend.
So last night we arrive at 8.30 (I had to work and so only finished at 5.30) and it's an hour drive. Didn't do too badly putting on makeup, shower, and picking up Stevie.
I decided to try and make up for lost time on the drinking front ...... ended up with the BBQ attendees moving the party to Gilligans.. the local night club. More like a room full of heaving bodies! And as I was happily a bit drunk by that time I was also getting a bit drunken and emotional. Finding Stevie chatting to a spurious girl was not a sight that I really wanted to see, though I think it was probably harmless, but I think he was a bit defensive about it, which got my heckles up a little.
I can remember getting back to my friends place... and despite my drunken comments 'what are those keys doing on my key ring' (not realising that they were the keys that Mel gave me to get in ).. I had to charge the phone up so I could call Mel last night to let me in... oh dear.. drunk!
Rather embarrassing was Mel this morning saying that her desk in the study was covered in water (luckily it didn't go over the computer or the electrics). I said that it could have been a spilt glass of water .. or rather more ominously... urine. She said who had ever done it knew - as there was a towel that had been used to try and mop it up. After more research she said that it was urine... I called Stevie in and just mentioned that there was a lot of 'water' in here and he looked totally surprised by it.. so it only left Mark, Mel's boyfriend.
I don't think Stevie was that drunk and he did seem genuinely surprised. Mark, Mel said, was not a good drinker and had had a lot to drink last night.... so there's that big question mark hanging like the sword of Damaclese hanging over who could have done it....
We had a lovely drive back ... it's so beautiful here and Steve bought me lunch overlooking the beautiful Ellis Beach.
I dropped him at home where he proceeded to go to bed at 1.00 for a short nap with the plan to wake up at 2.00 and go to the Creek for a swim. By 4.00 he was still sleeping.. I was climbing up the walls with the lack of inertia, the sweaty heat and frustration of us not doing anything so I left. At 7.00pm I get a knock at home.. Stevie collecting his bag that I left in the car.. a quick case of grab the bag and then he drove home. No coming in for a chat, or staying for the night. I think he was in 'going to work' mode... which seems that staying here and work mode are not compatible.
Well, we will see... he's off in two weeks.. and in my life... they say a week is a long time in politics.. it's certainly a long time in my life...
Monday, February 11, 2013
Excited....but trying not to be!
Went out on Friday night....... and I meet Steve.... (phew, thank goodness it wasn't another Scott!).
Both him and his identical twin brother were cutting a 6'2" swathe amongst the local girls. He ended up sitting next to me and though I thought he was lovely looking, smiley face, beautiful big green eyes, with eyelashes that if batted could rustle up a score on the Beaufort scale... I doubted I would get a look in.
I thought he was quirky... how many people have a tattoo on their finger just so they can strike the pose below?
He sat down next to me and I kept my distance as a girl behind me was knuckling in and I am past the age to sharpen my elbows and fight over a man.
He started to chat to me and before I knew we were chatting away and laughing and he was complimenting my legs!
And yes.. the inevitable happened... back to chez moi.. where we frolicked in the pool naked and sat in my shower naked on the floor whilst the water rained on us and we just laughed a lot.
Talking about showers.. I had more compliments showered on me than the water in the shower. From my legs, to my boobs, to my tummy (now that was a first!), to my skin...
We had such a lovely night.. we didn't sleep and saw the sun come up in a night of semi-real abandon. Love making was plentiful and caring and fun.. with lots of laughs and eye contact. Though being the first encounter of 2013... was certainly rather 'rusty' down below.. wasn't sure if I was getting dry from my menopausal state, or just tired..
He was full of things for us to do - to take me to dinner, take me to the Mossman Gorge, take me out on his boat, collect driftwood with him, mend my car, instal a spa in my back garden.....
I bid him a fond farewell the next Saturday morning as he disappeared off to meet his brother, with the arrangements that we would meet up again on Monday.
His background is strange.. he speaks with a slight foreign accent - but ironically he is Australian and is a local guy, but he has been living in Finland for the last 5years.
He is 29 with dreams, energy, and a get up and go and a head on his shoulders.
His message on Sunday night "Had a great time 2 xx"
Today (Monday) a phone text asking what I was doing this morning.
And so I had a wonderful Monday morning (wonderful lovemaking, very close and just caring and thankfully no dryness on my part...) .. he said he had been thinking of me yesterday.. and I have to admit that I really do like him so much, but trying not to get too carried away!
And so it is 10.00pm.. received a message from him "Night Night =]" (not sure if =] is a text message shorthand or a misstype) Good luck tomorrow xx (yep.. I have an interview for a job tomorrow!).
Feeling quietly excited.....
Both him and his identical twin brother were cutting a 6'2" swathe amongst the local girls. He ended up sitting next to me and though I thought he was lovely looking, smiley face, beautiful big green eyes, with eyelashes that if batted could rustle up a score on the Beaufort scale... I doubted I would get a look in.
I thought he was quirky... how many people have a tattoo on their finger just so they can strike the pose below?
He sat down next to me and I kept my distance as a girl behind me was knuckling in and I am past the age to sharpen my elbows and fight over a man.
He started to chat to me and before I knew we were chatting away and laughing and he was complimenting my legs!
And yes.. the inevitable happened... back to chez moi.. where we frolicked in the pool naked and sat in my shower naked on the floor whilst the water rained on us and we just laughed a lot.
Talking about showers.. I had more compliments showered on me than the water in the shower. From my legs, to my boobs, to my tummy (now that was a first!), to my skin...
We had such a lovely night.. we didn't sleep and saw the sun come up in a night of semi-real abandon. Love making was plentiful and caring and fun.. with lots of laughs and eye contact. Though being the first encounter of 2013... was certainly rather 'rusty' down below.. wasn't sure if I was getting dry from my menopausal state, or just tired..
He was full of things for us to do - to take me to dinner, take me to the Mossman Gorge, take me out on his boat, collect driftwood with him, mend my car, instal a spa in my back garden.....
I bid him a fond farewell the next Saturday morning as he disappeared off to meet his brother, with the arrangements that we would meet up again on Monday.
His background is strange.. he speaks with a slight foreign accent - but ironically he is Australian and is a local guy, but he has been living in Finland for the last 5years.
He is 29 with dreams, energy, and a get up and go and a head on his shoulders.
His message on Sunday night "Had a great time 2 xx"
Today (Monday) a phone text asking what I was doing this morning.
And so I had a wonderful Monday morning (wonderful lovemaking, very close and just caring and thankfully no dryness on my part...) .. he said he had been thinking of me yesterday.. and I have to admit that I really do like him so much, but trying not to get too carried away!
And so it is 10.00pm.. received a message from him "Night Night =]" (not sure if =] is a text message shorthand or a misstype) Good luck tomorrow xx (yep.. I have an interview for a job tomorrow!).
Feeling quietly excited.....
My pictures in my pad.. all produced by moi!
Driftwood and beach view along Capt Cook Highway from Cairns to Port Douglas - Giclee |
Here are some of my artworks in my house..
Inspired by the local scenery and colour schemes
My ripple picture in the bathroom with the words around the frame "Every action is a ripple in the pool of humanity" - Acrylic, filla and varnish |
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Rocky Beach - Along the Capt. Cook HIghway from Cairns to Port Douglas | - Giclee |
Nepal - taken in 1990.. monks in Kathmandu |
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Thailand, Bangkok - I like the juxtaposition of the temples of the past with the temple of the 'now'. Taken 1990 |
My first bathing in the Daintree Rainforest at Mossman Gorge - with my Havaiana flip flops.. with my chippolata toes.. taken Sept 2011 |
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Holy man in Kathmandu, Nepal, not sure who's checking who out! Taken 1990. |
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Experimentation with acrylics and candle wax |
Painted this to link up with the new ethnic/african/tunisian theme of the main bedroom - acylic, pen, collage |
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Trying to link up the main bedroom theme colours.. Metal flowers from Indonesia mounted onto a painted canvas with ethnic strip detail collage and painted. |
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Bringing out the colour of the feature wall with some tropical vegetation imagery. White base with spray paint green. |
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Saw this man on the train in India, so reminded me of Ghandi... 1990 |
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Taken from the balcony where I live. Then manipulated for a tropical modern abstract feel - Giclee |
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Bathing in the streets in Calcutta... 1990 |
India - Varanasi - an amazing place where death and life come togetheralong the banks of the Ganges -1990 |
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Trees along the Capt. Cook Highway from Cairns to Port Douglas - Giclee |
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Vital Woman's Workshop .. continued
On Saturday I attended a Vital Woman's Workshop.....
First time I have been to anything like this, so it was interesting on a few levels....
I will write in more details............ in the next blog...

So yes, I am now a 'vital' woman... and can now jump and walk at the same time whilst trailing a silk sheet.
I did wonder though about the lecturer for the dieting and healthy foods section being somewhat noticeably overweight. Her introduction..." I eat healthily, but my weight is more about me being happy with what I am than continually trying to change it "
I am still in a dilemma is it akin to - if you had an alcoholics anonymous meeting where the main speaker still drunk alcohol but says that they regard themselves as a non alcoholic despite being drunk sometimes?
Strengthening Exercise
I thought this was a good one...
Tightly hold your little finger or the skin between your thumb
Think about a moment when you achieved something - feel how it felt.. then feel it again.. and again.
Think about a moment when you were truly motivated.. feel how it felt.. then feel it again .. and again.
Feel the feelings of when you felt you were truly loved by somebody - feel it again and then feel that again
Feel that moment when you felt truly confident - relive that moment - and feel those feelings.
All the time with your fingers squeezing your chosen area.
Then when you are in a situation where you need strength, help. guidance, distressed.. strongly pinch that point on your hand to reinforce those feelings to give you that extra ooomph!
So things that I learnt from the day....
"No negative event can effect your emotions internally"
A saying that I consider is easier said than done! All negative emotions are built up from our past expereinces and belief.
I do think that feeling emotions is an important part of life - though consider that it is how one deals with ones' emotions that make us grow as people. From negative emotions we can channel to positive ones!
So we were given an information sheet for emotional mastery:
1. Identify what emotion you are feeling (I think it is easier said than done as one does vascillate between a mixture on a daily basis basis)
2. Acknowledge and appreciate your emotions, knowing they support you
Remember there is no right or wrong feeling, painful emotions are sent as an action signal
3. Get curious about the message this emotion is offering you
What do I really want to fee?
What would I have to believe in order to feel the way I've been feeling?
What am I willing to do to create a solution and handle this right now?
What can I learn from this?
4. Get confident
Know that you can handle this emotion immediately, remember a time when you successfully handled this emotion before.
5. Get certain you can handle this not only today, but in the future as well
Rehearse internally you new way of handling this situation, take a note of ways you have handled this and three or four other ways you could change how you communicated or acted in this situation that could change the outcome.
6. Get excited and take action
Express yourself by using what you rehearsed internally to create a change in your perceptions or your actions.
Wise words... just got to follow them!
As for the food side...
As I mentioned before, it was a bit off-putting have the lecturer give a presentation about dietary food for healthy weight loss and anti-aging when I consider she hadn't aged particularly well and was overweight. I made a note as now I am not in a relationship I love the freedom of being able to experiment with health foods now that I am not under the pressure of having to prepare a dinner each night. I truly believe you are what you eat.. so I very rarely now eat chocolates, fizzy drinks, pre-prepared food, sweets or white bread/rice or pasta.
I thought I was doing so well with my new juicer and now have a daily vegetable juice ...but beware. I was advised not to put fruit and veg juice together (so there goes my natural sweetening agent of apple or orange). But all good.. I discovered that by putting beetroot in the juice it sweetened it. No, apparently, one should only have two beetroots a week! Mmmm getting complicated now...
After the workshop my next shopping list looked like this:
Apples (2 a day are supposed to be good for tummy fat!) I am munching them like no tomorrow now!
Yoghurt (Greek Natural)
Pumpkin seeds (1 tbsp a day)
Sesame Seeds (1 tbsp day)
Sunflower Seeds (1 tbsp a day)
Silver beet
All the above for fruit juice and salad
Natural grown Honey organic
Read an article on Facebook so now I have a tsp of each a day
Green Tea
Green tea regularly each day keeps down the tummy fat... so gulping this concoction down!
Will consider other fish if it is sustainably fished...
Can you believe carbohydrates are - Beetroot, Sweet Potatoes, Turnip, Pumpkin, Watermelon, Honeydew, Pineapple! Plus
Brown Rice, Quinoa, Cous Cous, Oats...
I have found a great pre-prepared Quinoa with lime and spices that is in the health section of the supermarket that is delicious! Recommend Ainsley Harriet Cous Cous.. love it!
Other items that are good for weight loss and Anti-Ageing
Greek Yoghurt
Feta (reduced fat0
Romaine Lettuce (went to the supermarket and couldn't find one anywhere.. and why particularly Romaine??)
Sweet Potato
Brazil Nuts
Silver Beet
So my shopping list is now more resembling the agricultural tick list of a vegetable and fruit farm....
I have been keeping pretty healthy on the eating front... but now have to drop the number of bananas and beetroots .. apparently these are only twice a week.
I have also added eggs which were only mentioned as a good source of iron.
Not sure how many one is 'allowed' but hey.. can't resist these naturally pre-prepared meals ... they even come in their own wrapping... and boil without a bag... so handy!
The Award for the most flakiest flake of all
Remember Simon
The one who sent this message to me a year ago.....
babe how u doin? well first off this is bizzare! maly due to the fact that i have been trying to get in contact with u for awile now, then u pop up in a photo on face book. i was looking on that dating site plenty of fish lol,just browsing.. n stumbeld accross yourself.BOOM! how hot u are! anyway i sent a message to you regarding maybe catching up 4 a drink or dinner sometime,but couldnt seem to send. dont normally do this but as i said u caught my eye in particular, i no im only 25 but hey age is no barrier.i think anyway.pretty random all this babe but to good of n opportunity not to. if your keen let me no.would love 2.happy new year!x
Well.. yet again.. due to meet up Saturday... but again.. along came his friends so no go... He is on to his umpteeth phone and was talking about getting credit. He said that he had lost his previous phone and all his numbers. I really don't know what to think..
I know that common sense says.. leave him to it... but I kind of think well, why not... ? It's not that I am getting hurt by it.. I know what the situation is.. he professes to want to see me.. but perhaps I am just better as a virtual girl. I just remember him as a lovely man that loves to cuddle and be affectionate... and some times I just wish to have a night like that. Being that he is now 26 one can't really hold much store by the youth of today.. haha!
I am kind of now wanting more kind of passion, love and feeling and not so interested in passing ships in the night type activity. Though ironically it's been a year since we got together we have met twice... though tried to meet up 20-50 times ( I have lost count)
His last message 'I really wanna catch up with you babe.. might be back on sunday.. let you no xo"
I want to be able to 'feel', some passion,...
Well... all wil be revealed in the fullness of time.. umpteen texts and lost phones! haha!
As an update to this.. Facebook message received yesterday 10th February:
Penny Hun, I have just come home from massive night. Haven't slept.. just on on POF and seen you there.. hope you are well, don't slap me babe but dam I really want to pound you baby! Sexy woman.!1 I am gunna crash I 'll get my phone later to call you. I've been imagining for ages how I would love to make love to you. Your awesome, we will I hope, have good day, speak later you sexy beast. xx
Seems I have virtual lover!! Haha!
In memoriam of the oldest youngest person I know
This is my Great Aunt Joan who died this week.
She was the most inspirational woman that I know, despite pain, blindness and problems breathing later in life she always sounded like a twenty year old on the phone full of happiness and joy.. she died aged 93.
When I last saw her she said "Penny, life is short, enjoy it as much as possible as when you get to my age it is what you look back on". I always said to her that she was the youngest oldest person I knew. It made me realise life and age is about your outlook and being young is not a number, Joan proved that to me.
She never talked about her problems and did her best not to let people know that she couldn't see and didn't like inconveniencing anyone. She was one of the first policewomen in the UK and was an early light in burning a path for other women to work in the police force. She married my great uncle (she was 20 years younger) and then ived an exciting colonial lifestyle in Africa. She never had children but my connection with her I felt like she was my second Mother.
When my actual Mother died I thought a lot about the meaning of life. As I found journals and journals when I was clearing out my parent's house. Pages and pages of her life, all neatly written in her beautiful handwriting. Journals about looking after my Grandma, Journals about shopping lists, her campaigns and her life... too many books to put in a suitcase and take back to Australia or to my ssiter's. So we read them to each other and then they were consigned to the recycling skip.
I think there is writing DNA in my blood. The need to write, account, to express, wonder, explain, just to feel that words somehow fill a life. I have no children, no real relatives that will one day sit and look at my journals.. and so this blog kind of fills a void.
I live here with no confidantes, I never was bought up to confide in anybody, everything I experienced was kept within my skin and memory. This blog is for me a testimony that I did actually live, that through lives rollercoaster my writing is a cathartic expression of what is happening to me.
I hope I write to explore, to shine, to query, to wonder, perhaps some of what I write is too near the bone and putting oneself 'on the line' is too near the line.
But somehow being alive to me is about expression, experiencing and emotions. This blog is a testimony to a small life... mine. It's not so interesting, important or entertaining, but at least a few words can make me feel that I am living it...
She was the most inspirational woman that I know, despite pain, blindness and problems breathing later in life she always sounded like a twenty year old on the phone full of happiness and joy.. she died aged 93.
When I last saw her she said "Penny, life is short, enjoy it as much as possible as when you get to my age it is what you look back on". I always said to her that she was the youngest oldest person I knew. It made me realise life and age is about your outlook and being young is not a number, Joan proved that to me.
She never talked about her problems and did her best not to let people know that she couldn't see and didn't like inconveniencing anyone. She was one of the first policewomen in the UK and was an early light in burning a path for other women to work in the police force. She married my great uncle (she was 20 years younger) and then ived an exciting colonial lifestyle in Africa. She never had children but my connection with her I felt like she was my second Mother.
When my actual Mother died I thought a lot about the meaning of life. As I found journals and journals when I was clearing out my parent's house. Pages and pages of her life, all neatly written in her beautiful handwriting. Journals about looking after my Grandma, Journals about shopping lists, her campaigns and her life... too many books to put in a suitcase and take back to Australia or to my ssiter's. So we read them to each other and then they were consigned to the recycling skip.
I think there is writing DNA in my blood. The need to write, account, to express, wonder, explain, just to feel that words somehow fill a life. I have no children, no real relatives that will one day sit and look at my journals.. and so this blog kind of fills a void.
I live here with no confidantes, I never was bought up to confide in anybody, everything I experienced was kept within my skin and memory. This blog is for me a testimony that I did actually live, that through lives rollercoaster my writing is a cathartic expression of what is happening to me.
I hope I write to explore, to shine, to query, to wonder, perhaps some of what I write is too near the bone and putting oneself 'on the line' is too near the line.
But somehow being alive to me is about expression, experiencing and emotions. This blog is a testimony to a small life... mine. It's not so interesting, important or entertaining, but at least a few words can make me feel that I am living it...
What's in a name
This Blog starts with the fact that my ex boyfriend's name of 6 years was Scott. After only 18 months of us splitting up his new girlfriend has now had their child - a boy called Gene.... 4 weeks ago.
Yes, I am trying to move on but fate throws me a curve ball ....
Scott (No.1) Nov 2012
Playing pool with my great friend Jeanette (she is nicknamed Great White.. and I am just Mako.. just trailing in her wake) in the Iron Bar. Yep, we give the guys the run for their money at games of pool. Enter Scott and Ashley. Scott is immediately noticeable with shoulders almost as wide as his 6' 4" height a bulk of man. He could crush a coke can between his fingers. A laughing face and seemed to be a man of carefree fun nature.. and rather easy on the eyes.
As we played pool it became obvious that he was touching me in jest and flirting - to which I responded likewise.
To cut to the chase... yep... we ended up going to my place where after an energetic 'session' he left to walk an hours walk home.. which I was a little miffed by. I was hoping for a cuddle and a lazy morning.
We did actually meet up a couple of days later, again, he was working so he came round briefly where I experienced for the first time in my 50 years being held upside down by my ankles ... and a vertical 69. That's one for the karma sutra. I had a similar experience with a body builder I met when I was about 26.. but he didn't lift me clean off the ground. I was also very aware on that occasion of my breasts swinging in my face (how did you get those black eyes?).. which I wasn't aware of this time round. I have never known anybody so strong.. he said that he thought I was only 50 kilos... I told him to add another 20! (Could do with more compliments like that!).
He is working as a prawn packer here, but he has worked on the fishing boats, and his main job for a while was as a rodeo rider - he was the rider on the horse that lasoose the calves and then wrestles them on the ground (must have been a big horse).
His big aim in his life is to work in the police force.
I did meet him in the car when I was cycling in Port - he kind of avoided my eye contact except when he noticed my tyres were bald on my bike whereupon he commented 'better get a new tyre, that one's bald".... I thanked him and cycled off into the distance....
Gene - Dec 2012
Gene I met over the internet dating site Plenty of Fish in December. I had never met anyone called Gene before.
We met up at a local yacht club after various texts from him asking when I was free. I asked him why a good looking guy like him who works in a gym puts himself on internet sites. He said that he was shy and found it difficult with girls. So we chat away and then have lunch. I ordered the lamb which was a bit expensive so I said that I wouldn't expect for hm to pay for me... At the end of lunch he went up and actually paid for it all himself on the sneak... how sweet!
We went outside and I said 'goodbye' with a wave and a smile as I got into my car and drove away. I didn't do anything desperate and just thought - I wouldn't dare assume that he would consider taking it any further.
Then to my eyebrow raising surprise he sent a Merry Xmas text message of him topless (see photo). .Ooh aah! missus!' methinks that's raising the stakes on that one and we know where this is heading. Then we have a number of texts with him asking when he can come up. He did seem to be very polite and well mannered.... so finally it happened on Xmas Eve. He came up to Port Douglas and we had a lovely evening out... So I kind of got a Xmas Pressie. Have to admit though that with the festive drinking my memory is a little hazy, but in the morning I made up for lack of memory... that even led to the slats of the bed all shifting so the bed collapsed! But we carried on regardless.. despite the noise of dropping wood slats as they 'clonked' onto the tile floor (yep.. was trying not to laugh out loud.. though I did have a pretty stupid grin). So that was Christmas Morning.. !
Needless to say the follow up has been a bit slow... but he did text to say that he wanted to come up to Daintree Rainforest with me and help me look for driftwood, as he loved my driftwood pieces.. so I await the day he is free. Funny that he was so free with dates before.. and now.. it's 'I'm busy'.....
Scott (No. 2) Jan 2013

A guy pops up on Plenty of Fish. Now, I can't say I was attracted by his picture, in fact the opposite.. (it reminded me of a documentary that I had seen on the world's shortest man in India), but his description was kind of disarming...
"Does any of what you write here really matter cos lets face it, if no-one likes your photos then no-ones going to contact you. Not going to write a long winded description of myself, anyone can say how great and spectacular they are. If your really interested then you will take the time to find out for yourself."
There was something that drew me in. We chatted on the phone quite a bit, and he has a great sarcastic sense of humour and a couple of days ago we met up for a coffee and a walk along the beach. He used to be a professional G9 motorbike racer.. he is actually a lovely man he has a fit body and is about 5' 9" so he's not too short (must remember not to wear my high platforms when I meet on these dates - when we stood up after coffee I felt like a giraffe).
We did message each other that night and the next date might be a toss up between wake boarding (he has his own boat), or go cart racing.. which I have already thought I will probably be thrashed rotten!
In fact, as I write this we are messaging each other..... so that's lovely.. (though I do feel mean about posting that he looks like that guy in India.. but he just does!).
So lay your bets.. will the next person I meet be a Scott or a Gene - am I on a rolll?
Yes, I am trying to move on but fate throws me a curve ball ....
Scott (No.1) Nov 2012
Playing pool with my great friend Jeanette (she is nicknamed Great White.. and I am just Mako.. just trailing in her wake) in the Iron Bar. Yep, we give the guys the run for their money at games of pool. Enter Scott and Ashley. Scott is immediately noticeable with shoulders almost as wide as his 6' 4" height a bulk of man. He could crush a coke can between his fingers. A laughing face and seemed to be a man of carefree fun nature.. and rather easy on the eyes.
As we played pool it became obvious that he was touching me in jest and flirting - to which I responded likewise.
To cut to the chase... yep... we ended up going to my place where after an energetic 'session' he left to walk an hours walk home.. which I was a little miffed by. I was hoping for a cuddle and a lazy morning.
We did actually meet up a couple of days later, again, he was working so he came round briefly where I experienced for the first time in my 50 years being held upside down by my ankles ... and a vertical 69. That's one for the karma sutra. I had a similar experience with a body builder I met when I was about 26.. but he didn't lift me clean off the ground. I was also very aware on that occasion of my breasts swinging in my face (how did you get those black eyes?).. which I wasn't aware of this time round. I have never known anybody so strong.. he said that he thought I was only 50 kilos... I told him to add another 20! (Could do with more compliments like that!).
He is working as a prawn packer here, but he has worked on the fishing boats, and his main job for a while was as a rodeo rider - he was the rider on the horse that lasoose the calves and then wrestles them on the ground (must have been a big horse).
His big aim in his life is to work in the police force.
I did meet him in the car when I was cycling in Port - he kind of avoided my eye contact except when he noticed my tyres were bald on my bike whereupon he commented 'better get a new tyre, that one's bald".... I thanked him and cycled off into the distance....
Gene - Dec 2012
Gene I met over the internet dating site Plenty of Fish in December. I had never met anyone called Gene before.
We met up at a local yacht club after various texts from him asking when I was free. I asked him why a good looking guy like him who works in a gym puts himself on internet sites. He said that he was shy and found it difficult with girls. So we chat away and then have lunch. I ordered the lamb which was a bit expensive so I said that I wouldn't expect for hm to pay for me... At the end of lunch he went up and actually paid for it all himself on the sneak... how sweet!
We went outside and I said 'goodbye' with a wave and a smile as I got into my car and drove away. I didn't do anything desperate and just thought - I wouldn't dare assume that he would consider taking it any further.
Then to my eyebrow raising surprise he sent a Merry Xmas text message of him topless (see photo). .Ooh aah! missus!' methinks that's raising the stakes on that one and we know where this is heading. Then we have a number of texts with him asking when he can come up. He did seem to be very polite and well mannered.... so finally it happened on Xmas Eve. He came up to Port Douglas and we had a lovely evening out... So I kind of got a Xmas Pressie. Have to admit though that with the festive drinking my memory is a little hazy, but in the morning I made up for lack of memory... that even led to the slats of the bed all shifting so the bed collapsed! But we carried on regardless.. despite the noise of dropping wood slats as they 'clonked' onto the tile floor (yep.. was trying not to laugh out loud.. though I did have a pretty stupid grin). So that was Christmas Morning.. !
Needless to say the follow up has been a bit slow... but he did text to say that he wanted to come up to Daintree Rainforest with me and help me look for driftwood, as he loved my driftwood pieces.. so I await the day he is free. Funny that he was so free with dates before.. and now.. it's 'I'm busy'.....
Scott (No. 2) Jan 2013

A guy pops up on Plenty of Fish. Now, I can't say I was attracted by his picture, in fact the opposite.. (it reminded me of a documentary that I had seen on the world's shortest man in India), but his description was kind of disarming...
"Does any of what you write here really matter cos lets face it, if no-one likes your photos then no-ones going to contact you. Not going to write a long winded description of myself, anyone can say how great and spectacular they are. If your really interested then you will take the time to find out for yourself."
There was something that drew me in. We chatted on the phone quite a bit, and he has a great sarcastic sense of humour and a couple of days ago we met up for a coffee and a walk along the beach. He used to be a professional G9 motorbike racer.. he is actually a lovely man he has a fit body and is about 5' 9" so he's not too short (must remember not to wear my high platforms when I meet on these dates - when we stood up after coffee I felt like a giraffe).
We did message each other that night and the next date might be a toss up between wake boarding (he has his own boat), or go cart racing.. which I have already thought I will probably be thrashed rotten!
In fact, as I write this we are messaging each other..... so that's lovely.. (though I do feel mean about posting that he looks like that guy in India.. but he just does!).
So lay your bets.. will the next person I meet be a Scott or a Gene - am I on a rolll?
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