Yes, I am trying to move on but fate throws me a curve ball ....
Scott (No.1) Nov 2012
Playing pool with my great friend Jeanette (she is nicknamed Great White.. and I am just Mako.. just trailing in her wake) in the Iron Bar. Yep, we give the guys the run for their money at games of pool. Enter Scott and Ashley. Scott is immediately noticeable with shoulders almost as wide as his 6' 4" height a bulk of man. He could crush a coke can between his fingers. A laughing face and seemed to be a man of carefree fun nature.. and rather easy on the eyes.
As we played pool it became obvious that he was touching me in jest and flirting - to which I responded likewise.
To cut to the chase... yep... we ended up going to my place where after an energetic 'session' he left to walk an hours walk home.. which I was a little miffed by. I was hoping for a cuddle and a lazy morning.
We did actually meet up a couple of days later, again, he was working so he came round briefly where I experienced for the first time in my 50 years being held upside down by my ankles ... and a vertical 69. That's one for the karma sutra. I had a similar experience with a body builder I met when I was about 26.. but he didn't lift me clean off the ground. I was also very aware on that occasion of my breasts swinging in my face (how did you get those black eyes?).. which I wasn't aware of this time round. I have never known anybody so strong.. he said that he thought I was only 50 kilos... I told him to add another 20! (Could do with more compliments like that!).
He is working as a prawn packer here, but he has worked on the fishing boats, and his main job for a while was as a rodeo rider - he was the rider on the horse that lasoose the calves and then wrestles them on the ground (must have been a big horse).
His big aim in his life is to work in the police force.
I did meet him in the car when I was cycling in Port - he kind of avoided my eye contact except when he noticed my tyres were bald on my bike whereupon he commented 'better get a new tyre, that one's bald".... I thanked him and cycled off into the distance....
Gene - Dec 2012
Gene I met over the internet dating site Plenty of Fish in December. I had never met anyone called Gene before.
We met up at a local yacht club after various texts from him asking when I was free. I asked him why a good looking guy like him who works in a gym puts himself on internet sites. He said that he was shy and found it difficult with girls. So we chat away and then have lunch. I ordered the lamb which was a bit expensive so I said that I wouldn't expect for hm to pay for me... At the end of lunch he went up and actually paid for it all himself on the sneak... how sweet!
We went outside and I said 'goodbye' with a wave and a smile as I got into my car and drove away. I didn't do anything desperate and just thought - I wouldn't dare assume that he would consider taking it any further.
Then to my eyebrow raising surprise he sent a Merry Xmas text message of him topless (see photo). .Ooh aah! missus!' methinks that's raising the stakes on that one and we know where this is heading. Then we have a number of texts with him asking when he can come up. He did seem to be very polite and well mannered.... so finally it happened on Xmas Eve. He came up to Port Douglas and we had a lovely evening out... So I kind of got a Xmas Pressie. Have to admit though that with the festive drinking my memory is a little hazy, but in the morning I made up for lack of memory... that even led to the slats of the bed all shifting so the bed collapsed! But we carried on regardless.. despite the noise of dropping wood slats as they 'clonked' onto the tile floor (yep.. was trying not to laugh out loud.. though I did have a pretty stupid grin). So that was Christmas Morning.. !
Needless to say the follow up has been a bit slow... but he did text to say that he wanted to come up to Daintree Rainforest with me and help me look for driftwood, as he loved my driftwood pieces.. so I await the day he is free. Funny that he was so free with dates before.. and now.. it's 'I'm busy'.....
Scott (No. 2) Jan 2013

A guy pops up on Plenty of Fish. Now, I can't say I was attracted by his picture, in fact the opposite.. (it reminded me of a documentary that I had seen on the world's shortest man in India), but his description was kind of disarming...
"Does any of what you write here really matter cos lets face it, if no-one likes your photos then no-ones going to contact you. Not going to write a long winded description of myself, anyone can say how great and spectacular they are. If your really interested then you will take the time to find out for yourself."
There was something that drew me in. We chatted on the phone quite a bit, and he has a great sarcastic sense of humour and a couple of days ago we met up for a coffee and a walk along the beach. He used to be a professional G9 motorbike racer.. he is actually a lovely man he has a fit body and is about 5' 9" so he's not too short (must remember not to wear my high platforms when I meet on these dates - when we stood up after coffee I felt like a giraffe).
We did message each other that night and the next date might be a toss up between wake boarding (he has his own boat), or go cart racing.. which I have already thought I will probably be thrashed rotten!
In fact, as I write this we are messaging each other..... so that's lovely.. (though I do feel mean about posting that he looks like that guy in India.. but he just does!).
So lay your bets.. will the next person I meet be a Scott or a Gene - am I on a rolll?
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