On Saturday I attended a Vital Woman's Workshop.....
First time I have been to anything like this, so it was interesting on a few levels....
I will write in more details............ in the next blog...

So yes, I am now a 'vital' woman... and can now jump and walk at the same time whilst trailing a silk sheet.
I did wonder though about the lecturer for the dieting and healthy foods section being somewhat noticeably overweight. Her introduction..." I eat healthily, but my weight is more about me being happy with what I am than continually trying to change it "
I am still in a dilemma is it akin to - if you had an alcoholics anonymous meeting where the main speaker still drunk alcohol but says that they regard themselves as a non alcoholic despite being drunk sometimes?
Strengthening Exercise
I thought this was a good one...
Tightly hold your little finger or the skin between your thumb
Think about a moment when you achieved something - feel how it felt.. then feel it again.. and again.
Think about a moment when you were truly motivated.. feel how it felt.. then feel it again .. and again.
Feel the feelings of when you felt you were truly loved by somebody - feel it again and then feel that again
Feel that moment when you felt truly confident - relive that moment - and feel those feelings.
All the time with your fingers squeezing your chosen area.
Then when you are in a situation where you need strength, help. guidance, distressed.. strongly pinch that point on your hand to reinforce those feelings to give you that extra ooomph!
So things that I learnt from the day....
"No negative event can effect your emotions internally"
A saying that I consider is easier said than done! All negative emotions are built up from our past expereinces and belief.
I do think that feeling emotions is an important part of life - though consider that it is how one deals with ones' emotions that make us grow as people. From negative emotions we can channel to positive ones!
So we were given an information sheet for emotional mastery:
1. Identify what emotion you are feeling (I think it is easier said than done as one does vascillate between a mixture on a daily basis basis)
2. Acknowledge and appreciate your emotions, knowing they support you
Remember there is no right or wrong feeling, painful emotions are sent as an action signal
3. Get curious about the message this emotion is offering you
What do I really want to fee?
What would I have to believe in order to feel the way I've been feeling?
What am I willing to do to create a solution and handle this right now?
What can I learn from this?
4. Get confident
Know that you can handle this emotion immediately, remember a time when you successfully handled this emotion before.
5. Get certain you can handle this not only today, but in the future as well
Rehearse internally you new way of handling this situation, take a note of ways you have handled this and three or four other ways you could change how you communicated or acted in this situation that could change the outcome.
6. Get excited and take action
Express yourself by using what you rehearsed internally to create a change in your perceptions or your actions.
Wise words... just got to follow them!
As for the food side...
As I mentioned before, it was a bit off-putting have the lecturer give a presentation about dietary food for healthy weight loss and anti-aging when I consider she hadn't aged particularly well and was overweight. I made a note as now I am not in a relationship I love the freedom of being able to experiment with health foods now that I am not under the pressure of having to prepare a dinner each night. I truly believe you are what you eat.. so I very rarely now eat chocolates, fizzy drinks, pre-prepared food, sweets or white bread/rice or pasta.
I thought I was doing so well with my new juicer and now have a daily vegetable juice ...but beware. I was advised not to put fruit and veg juice together (so there goes my natural sweetening agent of apple or orange). But all good.. I discovered that by putting beetroot in the juice it sweetened it. No, apparently, one should only have two beetroots a week! Mmmm getting complicated now...
After the workshop my next shopping list looked like this:
Apples (2 a day are supposed to be good for tummy fat!) I am munching them like no tomorrow now!
Yoghurt (Greek Natural)
Pumpkin seeds (1 tbsp a day)
Sesame Seeds (1 tbsp day)
Sunflower Seeds (1 tbsp a day)
Silver beet
All the above for fruit juice and salad
Natural grown Honey organic
Read an article on Facebook so now I have a tsp of each a day
Green Tea
Green tea regularly each day keeps down the tummy fat... so gulping this concoction down!
Will consider other fish if it is sustainably fished...
Can you believe carbohydrates are - Beetroot, Sweet Potatoes, Turnip, Pumpkin, Watermelon, Honeydew, Pineapple! Plus
Brown Rice, Quinoa, Cous Cous, Oats...
I have found a great pre-prepared Quinoa with lime and spices that is in the health section of the supermarket that is delicious! Recommend Ainsley Harriet Cous Cous.. love it!
Other items that are good for weight loss and Anti-Ageing
Greek Yoghurt
Feta (reduced fat0
Romaine Lettuce (went to the supermarket and couldn't find one anywhere.. and why particularly Romaine??)
Sweet Potato
Brazil Nuts
Silver Beet
So my shopping list is now more resembling the agricultural tick list of a vegetable and fruit farm....
I have been keeping pretty healthy on the eating front... but now have to drop the number of bananas and beetroots .. apparently these are only twice a week.
I have also added eggs which were only mentioned as a good source of iron.
Not sure how many one is 'allowed' but hey.. can't resist these naturally pre-prepared meals ... they even come in their own wrapping... and boil without a bag... so handy!
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