Sunday, March 10, 2013

Final Days with =[

Well final countdown with Stevie calling and asking if I wanted to come round.

So I jump in my car on Thursday and mosey on round.

Being a bit pre-prepared I did throw an overnight bag of basic toothbrush and contact lenses and make up in the car.

Just as well as that afternoon found us on a 2 hour drive to go and visit Stevie's brother Jamie in nearby Tolga.

Me driving the ute as we swing up onto the Tablelands and the lush vegetation of the rainforest changes to the dry fields with irrigated cane fields and cows pottering around (and many times across the road - much to the detriment of some cows.. and drivers).

I have briefly met Jamie on the night I met Stevie.  In Stevie's words he is the one that Stevie looks after and is a bit of a liability .. oh, and apparently goes after anything with a pulse.

Our des res in Tolga was a caravan on a mobile home site.  A place where many people lived in temporary accommodation whilst they were there working on the fruit picking (Jamie picks avocado and bananas).

I was a little dismayed to enter to what can only be described as best 'basic'.

One double bed served in the main area as a settee and Jamie's bed, and then next door (which didn't have a door) was two single beds - no sheets, pillows.. and some fairly well used mattresses.

Due to the toilet block being a walk away... pissing in the sink was the modus operandi, a bin in the centre of the room was doing a good impersonation of fly heaven.

After having some drinks we wandered down to the local hostelry.  The aptly named Tolga Hotel. We had a good time chatting and it was funny the local's reaction as the twins made everybody think they had had too much to drink and were seeing double.

We had a pleasant evening chatting and laughing and then went back to the caravan where we practiced shadow animals and making shadow effects (as one does!).

Stevie and I crashed onto the mattress.. with a pile of Jamie's clothes as a pillow (don't know what was best.. face on dirty mattress or dirty clothes)..   We managed some very silent lovemaking despite there being no door and Jamie on the other side of a dividing wall that could put a crispy thin wafer to shame.

The next morning we had a mission to go swimming in Lake Eacham.  We passed by Mareeba supermarket to gather provisions and breakfast.  I returned from buying some toothpaste (yep.. got my toothbrush.. but there was no toothpaste!) and a towel.. As I arrived back to meet the guys.. Stevie presented me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.  Obviously extremely touched.  I have only received 4 bouquets of flowers in my life from men (yep.. and this is the 4th!).  So a momentously memorable moment for me.. how lovely was that.

 So we finally made it Lake Eacham - an old remnant of a long distant volcnoe.  Clear blue water with tortoises, fish and a warmth from volcanic springs apparently, though strangely on hot days it is cold..

Yep.. my overnight bag didn't contain any swimwear.. so off with the dress and in with g string and bra...  Luckily, there were not many people around so they didn't have to be subjected to the sight of my white dimpled derriere.

 We had a good swim and watched Jamie climb up a tree and execute a perfect back flip... boys will be boys!

On the way back we stopped for some scenic viewing and I was struck how similar the vista looked to the rolling hills of England!

On arrival I was asked if I needed to get back the next day.. which was a negative... so we ended up staying another night.

Back down the Tolga Hotel... Stevie was downing drinks like there was no tomorrow.  Jamie was taking it easy.  The boys certainly got female attention down the pub and at one point there was 5 women including me surrounding them.    One woman was getting quite frantic in her enthusiasm and even asked Stevie if he fancied some brown meat (she was of Indian pursuasion).  The sum of her conversation was about sex and Stevie was visibly shaken by such a torrent of very blatant and quite nasty sexual comments.. how she had a husband and three children but seemed to have slept with most guys in the bar.. quite distasteful.

Stevie was getting a little worse for wear so both Jamie and I were a little in cahoots to try and get Stevie home.  Finally I walk him home - a rather shaky walk, trying to support a stumbling 6'2" man and not managing on a couple of occasions as he falls onto the gravel grazing his elbow.. and me trying to stop him hitting his head.  Once he is finally in bed we go to sleep... I wake feeling a growing spread of warm liquid... yep.. not only was I on a bare mattress, it was now also having the additional accessory of a pool of freshly peed urine.

I moved onto the other bed and took refuge.  Needless to say, despite Stevie feeling amorous in the morning I didn't feel very sexy, or found the surrounds conducive to feeling sexually aroused.

So funny as in the morning I thought Stevie was having a shower and Jamie was lying on his bed... but it was Jamie who had gone for a shower and it was Stevie lying on Jamie's bed... very strange feeling to be with someone you like and there is a double of them.  Certainly wasn't lost on Jamie who jokingly asked if I had ever considered sleeping with two twins at the same time.  I have to admit just hanging out with them both for two days was a weird situation to be with someone who has a replica.

I drove back.. and dropped Stevie off where he disappeared without a word into the shower. I shouted a cursory goodbye and left... just dreaming of a shower myself.

I was supposed to meet up with Stevie on Saturday night but he spent the day in bed with flu...(certainly not helped by his drinking the last two days) and was ill also on Sunday.  So all those last days where we could have had a lovely last few days are eeking away.  I type this now on Sunday night.. yep.. I've developed the cold that Jamie and Stevie have.. so with only one day tomorrow before he leaves on Tuesday the clock is a on a countdown.  Oh well Que cera cera...

As a footnote... as a follow on to our shadow attempts I showed Stevie and Jamie this clip the next day that I saw on Facebook and would like to share it with you on this blog.. it is amazing. By a theatrical company called Pilobolus

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