Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bit by bit....... Slowly slowly to catch a monkey (or a whoomf of a hunk!)


Mr PADI called yesterday..

A couple of times.. in the end a message 'Call me when you get a chance please'

So finally chatted.. he is totally mortified that I was upset when we had the menage a trois in the cinema.  I shrugged it off with 'well, I'm probably being a bit too sensitive'.  He said that the other girl didn't mean anything (I immediately thought.. that's strange - that leaves the implication that I did!)

So he asked if I wanted to go to the cinema tonight.

So who was I to say 'no'.. or 'I'll just check my social diary'

He said that we could go to a later one so we have time to eat before.

So he texted me with screen time 19.20 today and 'see you there'.  So me thinks.. what happened to the eating before idea?

So I tentatively text back 'do you want to meet for something to eat beforehand' ... what is it with these guys!

So we met up and had a lovely dinner overlooking the bay of Cairns ( I went Dutch.. hahaha!  Because he's Dutch.. he didn't want to.. but hey, I thought since I asked him out to dinner, a bit rude to ask someone out and then expect them to pay.. so I just paid for myself).

Mr PADI is a total health freak so his rather fatty fried rice and carbo fat encrusted crackers were left on the side of his plate (that's the pay off when you are with a man with a body that's ripped)

Sure enough I asked him if he had been in the army .. and yes, he had.. figures... as tidy and clean as anything and if you look at him he looks just like a character out of an SAS movie... he did say that he was 30 kilos heavier now as he coudn't move and run with his body bulk hat he had now.  He is I worked out, aged about 45 years old  - think I have managed to avoid the 'age' question so far.

He did say that he had just returned from Playa del Carmen in Mexico from a business meeting and there were wall to wall cougars - lots of women in their 50's (Hahaha! I laughed as I drank my drink thinking.. whoops!)

We went to see Will Farrell film 'The Candidate' a spoof on American politics, which definitely had some out loud laughing moments - where he would reach out and grab my leg or arm when laughing.

Oh yes... me thinks.... physical contact (yep.. after 3 dates this is the most physical contact I have had.. apart from the odd hug and 'moi' kiss on the cheek).  I did wonder if the tide was changing.

We bid our goodbyes......oooh yes.... we are talking kiss on the lips.. big hug.. and then another kiss on the lips and some close hugs and he walked me across the road with his arm around me........


He wanted to know if I wanted to come round to watch Star Wars at his house one day...

I have invited him to Port Douglas to go diving and to go to the outside cinema.

Maybe things are moving along now.... I won't hold my breath but... mmmmm.. the sap is rising!

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