Tuesday, August 28, 2012



It all seemed to be going so well……………


(Sound effect of screeching needle across record…)



I was due to go with friends to the Underwater Cairns Film Festival.  I mentioned that I was going to Mr PADI (who has been all consuming all my being for the last couple of weeks)   He said he would be there in his professional capacity.  I texted and said that I understood he was in work mode .. making him realise that I wouldn’t go up and try and dry hump him in public.  I did say that if he wasn’t busy afterwards I could ‘catch up’ with him.. but just working out whether to take two cars or one.


He said that he would probably end up working late so didn’t know when he was finished.  A pretty non-committal answer that had me banking on the ‘share a car option’.


We sent text messages to each other that day (Saturday) and even though he was in presentations we had an ongoing conversation.. including me sending him a pic of me sunbathing on the beach (all in the best possible taste).  To which his reply was ‘Wow, you are taking full advantage of your days off!! .. which I think was a positive.


We arrive I see his head – not hard at 6’4” and shoulders like a transformer on steroids.  We catch each other’s eye, I think ‘he’s in work mode so don’t want to go over and be intrusive’ – but no, over he bounds and plants two kisses on my cheeks and says a warm hello.  Then he disappears back into the throng of milling bodies.


Later on after intermission he finds me again, comes over and then kisses me on the lips.  Which I would have to say was a pretty public display of affection and I was blown away… well I would have been blown away if I wasn’t already floating on a cloud.  With a thanks for the photo today!


He then comes over to me and says that ‘Sheridan’ who he had mentioned to me he was going to meet up with  ( PADI Marketing Director) had been waiting in a restaurant for him since 8.00 and it was 8.20 and he couldn’t get hold of her.  Though what this was to do with me I am not sure. 


Obviously that meant that he was meeting her for dinner and leaving the venue.  So I kind of hung around to say goodbye, then went into the auditorium and popped out about 10 min later to see if he had gone.  He was on the other side of the entrance hall chatting on the phone.  He saw me looking for him and spotting him but then I was a bit embarrassed that I had been caught trying to look for him so just slinked back into the auditorium.


The couple I was with (wonderful couple who I worked with in diving), left before it finished so I got a lift home with them.  Left a text to Mr PADI, “Leaving now, lovely to have seen you, short but sweet J x”.


And just expected a text back saying ‘lovely to see you too’ kind of one…


That was on Saturday night (today is Tuesday)………………………………. And since then……………..we have the Art and Garfunkel Classic…. The Sound of Silence…accompanied by the sound of rolling tumbleweed…… oh dear.  Methinks I have committed a faut pas… the one of being too open, perhaps opening up a bit too early… and for my sins that’s it…


I will have to take it on the chin and never lift a finger to contact him again.. It will either be that we never get together again.. or if I play my cards right.. means I might get him calling me back in a few weeks… to be honest I am OVER IT... some days I think sod him.. and other days.. I just feel dejected and rejected.. with the hanging 'WHY?" cloud over my head... or the tinge of well. it's only a few days perhaps he'll call next week...


Here’s a little article I read… and for all those days he doesn’t call I should read this and learn.. at 50 years old.. there is so much room for growth!  Keep telling myself the mantra "Do not seek external validation.. Do not seek external validation.... Do not seek validation..."





The Monster Called “Neediness”


Have you ever found yourself in the following scenario?


When things are going well and the man pays a lot of attention to

you, everything is perfect! You are energetic, happy, and bubbling.

As soon as the man starts to show less affection, calls less, and fails to

remind you how much he adores you, you start to wonder …

Has he lost interest?

Was it something I did?

What is he thinking?

Why hasn't he called for two days?

Is there someone else?

After having these doubts in your mind for a few days, you decide to

confront him and ask him what is going on.

If you want to keep this man in your life, confronting him about this

is a strategic mistake you can't afford to make. Let me show you

what exactly goes through a man's mind when you confront him

about this:

Gee, she really needs my attention 24/7.

This will be a lot of work, I can see that!

If she couldn't even deal with this, how would she deal with big

problems if we ever end up together?

As you can see, it doesn't lead to anywhere good. When a woman

shows her neediness during the early stages of a relationship, it turns

men off in a big way. This is because being needy signals to a man

two things about a woman:

First, a man will interpret it as her not having control over her

emotions. This shows emotional weakness.

Second, a man will think that she is insecure. He then

concludes that he will have to give her a lot of validation and

reassurance to make things work.

This “neediness” is like a man repellent and you have to get rid of it

fast. The good news is that it can be eradicated, and I will show you

exactly how to do this.

The feeling of “neediness” arises from a woman's belief that her

intrinsic worth is determined by a man's approval of her. When you

sit down and think about this belief, it doesn't really make sense to

you, does it?

Don't you feel like you should always have the final say on your

intrinsic worth?

It doesn't make sense that a man who has only known you briefly

should get the power to determine your worth, does it?

You are absolutely right! You and you alone are the judge of your

character and intrinsic worth. You have to fight every single step to

resist the tendency to seek external validation.

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